hello new followers
i would really appreciate it if you shared our updated coverage of the Starship wastewater shitshow
it has more nitty-gritty analysis, including those pesky lil mercury decimals details
the bottomline is that this remains very Not Fucking Good
i would really appreciate it if you shared our updated coverage of the Starship wastewater shitshow
it has more nitty-gritty analysis, including those pesky lil mercury decimals details
the bottomline is that this remains very Not Fucking Good
You, you shitbag. You are the bloody reason you have this obsession with colonising Mars, because it's people like *you*, Melon Husk, that are fucking up the one planet that's habitable in the solar system!
(I have a headache).
so imagine all those vaporized particulates in the air/water
i will pursue that another day