wtf jobs are y'all going for that this question is asked? I don't think I've ever taken an interview that had that question. it's almost entirely about my credentials, what I think about working in x team, and what my weaknesses and strengths are. no interviewer has ever asked me "why this job?"
like they're testing you? or daring you to say something to catch you out?
tbh that would be a massive red flag for me
every interview I've done has been leading questions that were half-answered before the interview started - it's more like a first-date, where we're both sussing eachother out.
I’ve definitely had this question before, I can’t remember where but the interviews I’ve had are cafes, restaurants and a supermarket, so it’s a bold question coming from any of those places as if it’d be my life’s dream to work for them 😭
I hate applying for jobs because you just have to lie, and they know everyone is lying as well and the whole thing just seems a bit pointless. I mean of course I don't want your shitty 9 to 5 office job, no one does.
Why can't I just say, I have the qualifications and I am happy for you to pay me for doing that job. Literally nothing more needs to be said, cover letters are a waste of literally everyone's time.
Seriously. Needing to blather some sycophantic guff about "vision" and "mission" and all that other businessy shit, that neither you or the interviewer believe, is demeaning. "I need money to eat and you're hiring" should be enough.
He is a liar. He wants that job, otherwise he won't he there. He doesn't like to work for that job, wut he wants it. And the correct reaction of the interviewer is to boot his ass
We should condition people better instead of teaching them that they're nothing more than cogs in a machine, and if they slip through the cracks, it's on them.
Depends on who the hiring manager/company owner is.. I would never have preferred honesty and liked it when people told the truth. Better to know up front
Yup! Although I'd add that occasionally, for the right company, I am enthusiastic about writing a CL. Unfortunately to be realistic about landing a job, I have to apply for many more places than just the ones I'm interested in. Software Engineering, for context.
When my office announced 5 day return to the office a few weeks ago, this exact scenario played out in my head when I was thinking about interviewing elsewhere. Fuuuuuck.
After this, the correct move is to stand up and pat the interviewer on the shoulder to assert your dominance, and to show that in this moment, you are superior, then turn your back to him, then walk to the door and open it all the way before exiting, to show that you are the big man around here.
I actually did this at an interview once. It just slipped out. He said, “Tell me why you want to be a waitress?” and I said, “I don’t. I want to be an actress, but I need a job to pay my bills and I’m good at this one.”
I didn’t get it.
The fact that managers want people to not only spend most of their life at a job that would replace them in an instant without blinking but ENJOY it is truly baffling
"I don't. I just need healthcare."
"You have to use PTO for sick days, and you won't accrue any for the first three months."
"I guess we can stop wasting each other's time then."
"So, why do you want to waste one-third of your life on menial brain-dead tasks that contribute nothing to society, miss out on any and all family events for your abusive 'Second family' who leaves scraps you barely subsist on, eking out the struggle until Friday, only to rinse-repeat next week?"
"Why do you want this job?" Because we live in a capitalist society where the only way to live is to work
It's not about the job you're interviewing for, it's about the ego of the interviewer
tbh that would be a massive red flag for me
every interview I've done has been leading questions that were half-answered before the interview started - it's more like a first-date, where we're both sussing eachother out.
Some yet very defensive about telling prospective employees that the company sucks and the last 3 people in the job walked out within a year.
His wife made him apply for the position.
This was that interview. 😅
"Do you think I'm suitable for this job?" (After all, you asked me in for an interview)
I didn’t get it.
Honest answer.
"You have to use PTO for sick days, and you won't accrue any for the first three months."
"I guess we can stop wasting each other's time then."
Candidate: "Honesty.
Interviewe: "I don't think honesty is a weakness."
Candidate: "I don't give a fuck what you think"
Me: I think my biggest weakness is listening.
I like to eat?
I like to buy clothes to wear?