Nothing makes me go nuts when trans people tell me "When are you gonna outgrow superhero shit?"
It's not the only media I engage with, but I find value in superhero media.
But the reason that question offends me is that it's often asked by people with anime, Steven Universe, and video game pfps.
It's not the only media I engage with, but I find value in superhero media.
But the reason that question offends me is that it's often asked by people with anime, Steven Universe, and video game pfps.
I still love Sonic to this day despite being 28 and nobody ever comes after me for it
superheroes aren't my thing, but people really hate people who like them for some reason
Granted, I don't super fuck with Marvel movies as much as I used to but I read an ungodly amount of comics now.
"Outgrow" is such a massively insulting way to talk about an interest. Like what, I'm going to outgrow mystery stories too?
You can't say I'm childish for seeing superhero movies if a Sonic movie was in your 10 favorite movies of the year.
You can't say I'm childish if you're still obsessed with Pokémon.
Something something kettle pot.
I enjoy a Star Wars project here and an MCU project there. But if you're gonna call me childish for my interests, make sure you're on my level.
What projects does bro have?
I'll put it on the list!