As Ramadan approaches, did you know that: the Home Office hotels where many asylum seekers are housed refuse to adjust meal times to serve suhoor and iftar meals, so that the people housed there rely on cold “snack boxes” full of sugary crap that makes fasting much more difficult
All religions should be respected!
Ramadan is roughly a month long. The fasting is during daylight hours. Most of the meal prep workers are daylight hours jobs. I don't know if it would work to add microwaves and microwavable food, but....
If you don’t like it feel free to petition the government to change the law, but until that happens we should be expecting people to show basic respect to others.
It was usually taught as manners when growing up.
Or even .... house families with kitchens to cook for themselves.
Don't buy they won't sell 💜
When I was in the "strict" Muslim part of Malaysia during Ramadan, special exceptions were made for me and every Western tourist for eating times and places, consuming and buying alcohol, clothing for bathing, etc. It's the west who are the assholes.