Batcat are iconic for a reason, like Lois and Clark, people have been begging for dc to let them be together seriously outside of an elseworld since the 80s
I don't see that happening anytime soon if ever. Bruce is too bound by his code and Selina is too chaotic. They might be less interesting married. Like the idea is nice but I don't think they'd last in the long run like Lois/Clark or Dinah/Ollie
That’s what dc says, but there really isn’t any reason for them not to be together like there are with Bruce and Talia. Selina and Bruce are really SO alike in their beliefs and personal codes. I feel like Gotham war happend only to make that a problem and even then they still made up lol. And-
Didn't Tom King set up this whole story for them to get married and then Selena just dips for some stupid reason at the end? I'm not even sure if that was Tom Kings call more likely DCs call..
Selina when written well is just as dedicated to Gotham as Bruce. catwoman was created by Gotham like Batman was. It just makes sense when dc isn’t trying it’s hardest to make it not work
If I had a nickel for every time Tom Taylor wrote a story where a member of the Bat family had a close relationship to the daughter of the person who killed their parents, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice right.