Being needlessly rude is the hallmark of modern intelligence. Much easier to tear something apart with vague notions of criticism instead of providing something pointed and valid.
Honestly? If the writer doesn't know you and has not asked for your opinion... You don't really need to give constructive criticism either. You're not their editor, you're just some person. Talk to your friends or on a public forum if you want to give your opinion.
Turning constructive criticism into a rude comment isn’t constructive behaviour. Not everyone has the same typed tone so how would you really know if it’s meant to be rude? Just an observation…
A reviewer is not a teacher. A reviewer is not necessarily trained as an editor. Some reviewers are as incompetent as some writers and should be ignored. BUT writers should still get their feedback BEFORE THEY PUBLISH, and not put the burden of being nice onto reviewers. Sometimes the books suck.
Can't stand people who write awful, rude things to creatives in general & then when they're called out try to pull the "you just cant take feedback"..yes we all can, when it's CONSTRUCTIVE, not just outright rude garbage.
I know we should just ignore folk like that, cause those types are usually looking for a reaction, but ugh it still pisses me off. 😂
People will be like "this is trash" & call it constructive feedback. 🤪
I wrote a Christmas story where the MC is persuaded to dress up as Santa and take a magic flying sleigh ride through a snowstorm on Christmas Eve to deliver presents to sick children in hospital.
Someone criticised it for being completely un-Christmassy.
Some critics pride themselves on being witty, as better than not being witty (Wilde); not with an intent to improve others, but in a sharpening of their own edge on the backs of others. Give them a laugh. Give unto them which is theirs. Let them extend their pinky at gatherings.
What did they write? If you write something that is so offensive it makes me want to jump off the roof screaming, I think I am allowed to be rude. If you write something that needs work, critique is appropriate. And while everyone deserves respect, some writings do not.
Absolutely correct. Also, I’d be loathe to offer unsolicited criticism directly to a writer as that too would be rude and uncalled for. Constructive feedback with praise and an appreciation/admiration for being a published writer (my absolute dream job), may be acceptable. Happy Christmas. 👍🏼
Dear Phil: Anyone can be a published author. There are no gatekeepers any more. That means there are a lot of very, very poorly written "books" on the market, books that have never been critiqued, never been edited, yet their authors demand respect and praise. . . and payment.
There's a type of person who believes their criticism is some gift from god to the rest of humanity. IME, these people rarely create anything, but they're sure that they know how YOU can do it better.
This is what teachers do for students every day, with no sarcasm, no cruelty, no intentional humiliation.
People will be like "this is trash" & call it constructive feedback. 🤪
Someone criticised it for being completely un-Christmassy.