THIRTY-FIVE dollars for an overdraft fee? That's almost FIVE hours of work on a minimum wage salary.
Give me a break.
I'm not going to let big banks take advantage of families just trying to get by.
Give me a break.
I'm not going to let big banks take advantage of families just trying to get by.
- Bookkeeper
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
What are you doing to save Social Security ? Or stopping the Fanta Fuhrer from ignoring the power of the Congress? What did you do a the speech? When is your next town hall?
I now have major back problems, largely from working for 25yrs on my feet in bad shoes.
Delete your X account
Why do you support the Billionaire trying to destroy our country?
Banks: "you know what, why don't we charge a huge penalty fee when you already don't have the money you're supposed to have"
Poor people are literally stealth taxed for being poor!!
This is classism!!!
Stop fighting culture wars.
Fight the class war.