Because he's a nerd who won the lottery.
He was involved in the creation of an app to "rate hot chicks," which evolved into Facebook.
People are basically as good as the raw material they start out with.
He was a skeevy nerd. That's why he's like this.
Zuck not "maturing" well. He gets more awkward with every photo he posts. They're so obviously staged. Does he have a personal photographer following him around?
🚫 all Meta. You won’t miss a thing. Say no to billionaire-owned social media profiting from your data and targeting you with chaos to boost engagement for ad revenue.
He was involved in the creation of an app to "rate hot chicks," which evolved into Facebook.
People are basically as good as the raw material they start out with.
He was a skeevy nerd. That's why he's like this.
The AI was not impressed....
did you read that silly globe & mail thing, too? lol