Arguing with Solak is just a re-run of 'Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader' and the "adults" continue to fail every time. You can disagree with him but it's not because he doesn't know ball. It's almost like football is not a sport w/ only one answer to every situation, and it's okay to have opinions
I love a tasteful illustration of a Red-Winged Blackbird. Easily a top-10 passerine. Has the stature to see over the middle of the field (usually because it's standing on a fence post) and the vision and pursuit angles to keep intruders away from it's nest. I have a late first round grade on it.
And don't be fooled by the Cardinal being displayed above the blackbird to think it is better. Cardinals are loud, obnoxious, songbirds that are always yelling at you in the morning. They're basically any Stanford grad and should similarly be avoided. Day three grade
Definitely both. He looks like an avg guy on the internet and dudes think they can do what he does so they love to pile on. The Bill Simmons sub is obsessed with him
Its just a bizarre amount of anger.