That's what concerns me at the moment. I do believe that once they personally feel the sting of the bitch slap that's coming their way, they'll start awaking from their mental coma.
Chances are by the time they wake up (become WOKE) it will be too late.
It sounds defeatist but, if we accept that we (the non-maga, the "other") are on our own the faster and harder we will fight
It's up to us. No one is coming to save us; we have to be "the home of the brave" now
Is it bad that I feel bad for him, because I feel like he feels really bad as well?
There were definately times where he was walking a really fine line and like many voters, had faith in humanity. 😞 Fuckin humans!
When I see a mealy mouth little peuke, like Garland, who had ample opportunity to do his job, but didn't I believe on Citizens United payroll myself, and have ZERO SYMPATHY for him. But, maybe I'm just a bitter, cynical old man. 😁
While I agree 100% we have no time to look behind us at what should have been done. The injustice of it is crippling.
The best & only thing we can do is gather together & fight for our democracy.
It is going to be painful (ie cost of a general strike) but that's better than the cost of lives
Maybe? It's always important to study history, to make changes for the future. Unfortunately, most democrats don't grasp this concept, and it's why they continue to lose, even though they are much better for he majority of people in this country. I'M TIRED OF LOSING!
No worries my friend. Although it'll take a long while to fix, that shit show will end. I feel this to my core... Not really hard Science but I think it will end
Precisely. Acceptance, then a plan. It totally isn't defeatist because the warnings were there BEFORE the election. It's just reality. So we all work with 'what is'. It probably works have been much better to not have to suffer first.
It sounds defeatist but, if we accept that we (the non-maga, the "other") are on our own the faster and harder we will fight
It's up to us. No one is coming to save us; we have to be "the home of the brave" now
There were definately times where he was walking a really fine line and like many voters, had faith in humanity. 😞 Fuckin humans!
The best & only thing we can do is gather together & fight for our democracy.
It is going to be painful (ie cost of a general strike) but that's better than the cost of lives