Poor Elon has enough problems with having not one nemesis, but two!
When he's on dry land and playing with his fireworks he has to watch out for James Bond.
Then, when he's off swimming he has to watch out for Captain Ahab.
I have always lived by the motto of "live your life such that your neighbors will never be filmed saying, 'He always was nice and quiet, if a little strange. I never thought he would be a serial killer.' " But I like yours too.
Yes, and call him a hero and say "That's my son, right there!" with tears in her eyes.
But, "good boy" is a bit patronizing unless your partner is calling you that.
I’m as progressive as you get but this mom bashing is really not working for me. Please stop throwing moms under the bus in order to trash their sons. This one mom might be wrong about her son but showing support for our kids is healthy and wonderful.
It gives me the same chuckle as hearing that little prick Fuentes fled to hide behind his own mom when his vile speech was returned in kind. I'd give my entire next paycheck to hear some of the voicemails left for em. By the time I got around to trying to call him the line was disconnected.
Solid life advice. If your mom has to publicly vouch for your behavior, maybe it’s time to reevaluate some choices. Aim higher than 'good boy' PR campaigns.
Musk’s playing Mommy’s the adult in the room, executive branch edition, as well.
Maybe there’s even a spin off Fox and Friends’ Moms show in production?
Well I wonder what his dad is like? Where did he get the idea that the world is divided into party girls and not party girls? Was this all fine until he had serial affairs and messy divorces?
As a mother of two men … I don’t email my thoughts! I have in person discussions usually about whose turn to host a holiday dinner. I think maybe she was about 20 Years too late to instill values about how to treat women and really all people. Maybe needed to do an intervention re drinking?
I never understand how a woman manages to raise a rapist, nor why that woman would defend that behavior rather than seek help for her child and protect other people from whatever makes him that way.
That ploy didn't work for poor Robert Barone, who applied for a job with the FBI, then his mother sent a letter to his prospective boss. Poor Robert. https://youtu.be/fqPhiRhFcTo?si=w51WDOq0I9JJLMl5
Well, it's all her fault, isn't it? I mean, If you try to call out bad behavior in men, it comes back splashing on the messenger, especially female ones.
Anybody notice Pete has no respect for women yet depends on Mommy to bail him out. Bet bailing Pete out of self-made crisis is a reoccurring theme of his life.
When he's on dry land and playing with his fireworks he has to watch out for James Bond.
Then, when he's off swimming he has to watch out for Captain Ahab.
My kingdom for a man!
But, "good boy" is a bit patronizing unless your partner is calling you that.
I'd much rather stay at home and have my bf call me a good girl.
Totally qualified to run DoD
He won’t last the confirmation hearings
There. Fixed it for you.
Maybe there’s even a spin off Fox and Friends’ Moms show in production?
-his mommy
J,.. F,.. C,.. what a sad spectacle!
“alpha males doing alpha shit” ftw
Probably was "requested" to do so. 🤨