I know he needs to be quarantined but has he been with others all the time and ticked or defensive about being alone? Don’t you love the way I think we can read their minds?
IF it was possible in any way, I would gladly become his new “teammate”
Yes, I know I would live in a barn with other animals, possible have to wear horns 😆 but they would make much better neighbors than I currently have
Imagine it’s difficult adjusting to a new place, animals, and humans. Especially since mentioned his partner passed away and was solitary in recent years. You and D will work your magic on Jake.
Aw, poor guy is a little displeased at the moment? I get it, change is hard and being away from family is sad. He will soon find out that life is good at Squirrelwood. ☺️
And yes. We can read their minds! 😁
Well, we all love him already. He's got no choice in that! 😘😍😂
Yes, I know I would live in a barn with other animals, possible have to wear horns 😆 but they would make much better neighbors than I currently have
*Prances to demonstrate*
Love will win, eventually.