I am so sorry. It will take time, but you can't skip to the end of healing. Slowly, that escalator will slow and then start going the other way. Peace and solidarity 🙏
I lost both of the grandparents who raised me within four months of each other when I was 15. My grandmother had a heart attack & the loss of my grandmother made my grandfather have multiple strokes ending his life.
I think of them every single day❤️
I’m so grateful I had their love as long as I did.
I can only imagine what it must have felt like for Diane to have such a profound & beautiful love with you that you two shared for 20+ years. It resonates through @mcrouton & beyond. I am so happy that a person as amazing as her was able to know & feel that level of love.
I’m so sorry. I was a young widow. My spouse died unexpectedly and suddenly. I wish there was something I could tell you to get through the grief faster, but you have to go at your own pace. I will say, my animals kept me moving forward and gave me small bits of respite. We are all rooting for you.
I love this song and listened to it on repeat after several losses. Not only does Peter Gabriel express the shocking hollowness of grief, it ends in a very uplifting way. I hope it brings a little relief. xo https://youtu.be/K4d_ilHsFjc?si=MT_XK4e94UBstNyA
But the fact is you’re still actually moving. Even if you feel like you’re not actually going anywhere, you’re still at least attempting to move forward.
That says a lot.
Don’t give up, but give yourself a minute. Give yourself grace - all of us out here do. 💕
Grief is relentless. I have been where you are, losing someone who was so close, where did one person end and the other start. It’s incredibly hard. I’m so glad you have people around you. Snuggle and hug those boxers. Do the best you can each day and give yourself grace - it has not been very long!
I’m sorry. It is so hard. We can only go moment to moment, focus on our animals that need us, knowing that us relying on one another in community is both an honor to D and a way to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I hope that you feel the love here. Check in daily the rest of month. /1
You will hear support, feel the caring. Then check in once a week- we will listen, and give solace. After a year, check in 4 times a year. Maybe you will also have found IRL folks that have been there for support. 🫂 /2
I guess even our mammal nervous systems (the sensing one & the muscle movement one, & I suppose prob even the timing of synapses firing?) must lose their orientation. I'm deeply sorry for your loss and the shock of it.
I am so sorry. While it’s not the same the grief is. When I lost my mom to cancer in 2021 after quitting my job to take care of her I thought I couldn’t continue but yet here I am. Trying to live each day to make her proud. Sending you strength💕🙏
I don’t know if you have the “luxury”but I had to start going to bed at a ridiculously early time (6 or 7) just to get through the day emotionally. Plus what you’re going through is completely exhausting. It’s a year later and all my animals are still on that schedule so I just kind of stick to it.
Keep going girl, Diane would want you to succeed and she is with you every step of the way. It's tough I am sure, but you will get there - it's what you deserve.
I think of them every single day❤️
I’m so grateful I had their love as long as I did.
I am so sorry - I know it is hard
That says a lot.
Don’t give up, but give yourself a minute. Give yourself grace - all of us out here do. 💕
I can only imagine. One day I will be faced w/ this kind of loss.
Again, B, I am so sorry.
Lean on whatever communities help. The widow community on X helped me to not feel so alone.
I hope you know you’re not alone either.
Hugs and love…
I'll be perfectly honest with you....it is coming up on nine years since my Tom passed & I still have those days. Much less frequently, but still.
ONE...minute, step, day....better will start to string together. No timeline. Just give yourself grace.