When did we elect this power monger to office? Oh, that’s right, we didn’t. A pox on the congressional Republicans for not permanently shutting his mouth about OUR country’s best interests, which Musky doesn’t give a flying f… about.
I knew that as American empire declined, we would do some stupid stuff but I can’t quite believe that a moronic oligarch is singlehandedly speed-running the collapse.
Our leaders need to project a coherent, aligned and believable plan for public to rally support. GOP did so with P25 (it seems).
Offering better ideas is not a heavy lift -- use media more effectively, be timely in response to events, align talk points, stiffen resolve with solutions. #makeaplan
Captain Obvious here. Musk has ties and was recruited by the Russians before he even left South Africa. His father had ties. His suggestions are clearly the will of his master in Moscow. How many hammers have to hit you morons in the head to get this?
Lone Skum is not an elected official. As a federal employee he should advise of his conflicts of interest and be subject to random drugs testing. That's the law.
The US might come to regret that. Polish PM said - it’s a paradox that 500 million Europeans are asking 300 million Americans to defend them from 140 million Russians.
Offering better ideas is not a heavy lift -- use media more effectively, be timely in response to events, align talk points, stiffen resolve with solutions. #makeaplan
Choke off tesla and flush the nincompoop away
What’s happening to the US government right now is bad. What comes next is worse.