Wow--this is more than insanity. Of course, there is gobs of money to be made what a surprise---not! Keep calling your reps and senators people! Demand answers and action.
The moment I heard about Private Prison comp cozying up to Trump most of us knew this was the plan. We will see people detained for extremely minor things that a 3 min phone call could clear up just so an unofficial quota will be met. Also 10 days seems to be theme, curious if 11 starts a process?
Follow the money. Who & in what positions of power are the people who make money from this pipeline of human suffering? Anyone in Congress? Which of these companies donated to the (re)election campaigns of members of Congress or state legislators of the states where these torture facilities exist?
Rather than raise taxes (on the rich) to pay for, prisons, wars (on terror, on drugs, on woke?) expansionists bs (hello Canada!-more war?), we’ll outsource it all. Goes hand-in-hand with destroying higher ed. Who needs it when they’ll be all these ‘opportunities’ for work?