Great questions!
1. You can call most reps after hours and leave messages on their machines, which is fine! But some (like Schumer, grr) turn off their machines after hours.
2. For local reps, any time is pretty good. For US reps and senators, I have the best luck getting a human at 9 am.
1. You can call most reps after hours and leave messages on their machines, which is fine! But some (like Schumer, grr) turn off their machines after hours.
2. For local reps, any time is pretty good. For US reps and senators, I have the best luck getting a human at 9 am.
1. Do you need to call during normal business hours?
2. As far as you know, is there a best time to call? To get through?
3. What sort of tactics should we be prepared to face (distracting/misleading questions, fallacious copunter arguments, anything else)?
1. Do you need to call during normal business hours?
2. As far as you know, is there a best time to call? To get through?
3. What sort of tactics should we be prepared to face (distracting/misleading questions, fallacious copunter arguments, anything else)?
You can always go to his website & leave a written message. Itβs a bit more work, but sometimes itβs the only option he gives us.
no idea if it's actually doing anything but i feel better
Would it be wrong to SOUND angry at the situation, or would it be better (or worse) to calm down first and then SAY that I'm angry about it?
One of my great fears (and why I prefer talking to a live person) is that they just ignore recorded messages/emails from constituants.
I'm glad that seems to be only a MAGA tactic.
I can start my therapy slightly late and call the governor's office at 9!