“The speakers, whose remarks were recorded, characterized Israel’s war in Gaza as a genocide and the establishment of the state of Israel as a racist project.”
So nothing actually antisemitc then? The headline & framing of this Times piece is an embarrassment.
So nothing actually antisemitc then? The headline & framing of this Times piece is an embarrassment.
My answer is to give them reparations to the best of your ability and allow them the freedom to buy a house and move wherever. Without specifically doing ethnic cleansing to clear an area for them and them alone
And even if they weren't, imaginary sacred cows are not a particularly cogent justification for establishing the terrorist state of Israel and committing genocide.
“We clear to keep genociding children?”
“Oh fuck yeah!”
The Zionist project came about in 1938 with the support of the Nazis. The current policy is a reflection of their origins and their lies are transparent
Just billionaires using their propaganda machines to manipulate the working class.
When we see it…we know it.
They are willing to systematically kill people for gain. Wrap your head around that.
It is not antisemitic to oppose genocide.
antisemitic. If calling out the IDF for tying a living human being to the front of a tank makes me antisemitic then so be it!
1. Criticizing Israel is antisemitic
2. Hanging out with Holocaust deniers is not antisemitic.
Which is so exactly wrong to be impressive.
There isn't a genocide
the establishmentn of Israel or any other Nation state isn't a racist project.
But, I see Netanyahu as a criminal who is randomly killing innocent civilians with NO regard for their lives or homes. I’m not “antisemitic”, I’m human.
This is as much a part of modern political Zionism as anything else and also at the core of the problem.
Self-determination or homeland doesn't require a majority. Zionism does though.
Focusing on terminology actively detracts from where the focus should be... on Palestinians.
Gaza. One can also understand how easily terminology can be misused to create fear/hatred for another group of people.
I take my direction from anti-Zionist Jewish people who are consistently at the forefront for the fight for Palestinian rights.
Maybe the creation Israel is a failure and consideration should be given to undo it.
Jewish people can live wherever they choose, like other humans.
"In 1290, this financial recovery was helped by the Edict of Expulsion, in which the Jews were expelled from England, and all their property was seized by the Crown."
Which leads to some interesting thoughts in regard to England's push for the creation of a Jewish state.
None of these assholes belong in academia.
so we have to let them do whatever crimes they want to commit because otherwise we’re antisemitic
Free speech in America ends at Israel.
But racist far-right Zionists want everyone to believe that criticism of Israel’s genocidal and apartheid actions puts Levi in Wichita Kansas at grave risk.
They use the accusation of antisemitism as a weapon.