“You could open the funding floodgates again tomorrow and you will still have children dying months from now because of this pause,” the scientist said.
He’s only talking about White babies.
As people are too late in discovering, Elon Musk is a a White Supremacist neo-Nazi.
Trump reported a $200,000 income tax payment to the government of China while he was president last time.
Must have been some good investments over there, I'm sure it's higher this time, if he reports
Gutting the federal government with the goal of rendering it ineffective.
Cutting off funding to programs that prevent things like famine and disease, which will undoubtedly lead to the things they were meant to prevent.
And we’re just two weeks in folks.
Of course the Tories also cut foreign aid in 2033, when in power & I don’t think Labour have been able to reverse it.
Yet the number of billionaires keeps increasing …
Most of us are bewildered and appalled how anyone could vote for him let alone join his cult. Especially the entire GOP. I’m guessing he has dirt on many/most of them.
When does this become crimes against humanity?
We are beginning to lock into some dystopian outcomes here, and I'm not sure we can pedal it back if it goes much further.
All systems have points of strain and breakage.
and the ping-pong system of Gov we have
dissolving whatever we accomplish, every four years
has made its own population
cray cray
I've never seen a president do more to help China in an entire term as what Trump has done in 3 weeks. Hell, 1 day.
Cognitive dissonance should only go so far.
The GOP are now officially Nazis.
It’s their social security and Medicare in danger.
It’s impacting them now, that’s what we’ve been waiting for. Because when it hurts them it shocks their system. It has to hurt them enough.
we were like spoiled children and did not want to listen we were offered posinous candy ate it and now are sick but not dying
Trump is rightly sick and tired of countries that hate the West taking huge amounts of money each year. We don't know where most of the money ends up.
thinking they can stop any disease at our borders or that they can secure vaccines for those who matter (and pay) to them or the strong can outlast the weak in surviving any sickness
famous last words