Is trump part of the judiciary branch? Trump's getting involved in a student protest - that's not his job. Threatening the university with withholding funding for protests that happened a year ago. Again, it's not his job. What happened to free speech? Pro Palestine isn't necessarily antisemitism.
Surprised that every single decent American isn’t taking to the streets at every state house in the US over this… seems free speech is dead in America under the Trump/Musk regime.
Students should just leave. Walk off the campus and not go back. Let MAGA "take down" Columbia - a hollow victory when they lose their customer base and the campus just rots in the sun. Students, go somewhere more affordable that won't help the government disappear you.
Do you think that trump has something against Columbia or do you think has something against free speech? it doesn’t This is a test case!!🚨 to see if they can get away with it there & w him. then they’ll do it to American students🚨 then they’ll do it to everyone. This is a free speech test!!
The Columbia protest leaders explicitly support Hamas and justify the October 7 attacks. What did they think would happen after the fascist they helped elect took power? He'd just continue the policy of leniency that Biden had? Just not enforce that rule for some reason? What was the plan?
A lot of Hamas supporters didn't get that, for other fascists, hating Jews and Democrats was subordinate to hating Arabs and lefties.
Also, students and University professors.
I have to keep reminding myself that this isn't just 'real' but *hyperreal*: the US govt is outlawing any public resistance to their govt-sponsored genocide, & I grew up when it was 'wrong' to ask for peace. It's like learning from past errors has also been made 'wrong'.
So Musk tells everyone that they need foreign expertise but any foreign students who do come to the US are in danger of being sent right back out again.
The whole things stinks of authoritarian government, control of speech n students by the president of the school bc the administration has asked in order to keep speech under control. Whether in a college or any institution, speech, according to the constitution is free. Or this is not a democracy.
This is so wrong. Fuck Columbia and fuck the Dems supporting what is happening. (Schumer and anyone that supports this cr are complicit in abiding the GOP).
Living with paraplegia means daily challenges. I'm raising funds for an enclosed mobility scooter to boost my independence and improve my quality of life. Every donation truly matters. Your support means the world to me. More details on my GoFundMe. Donating or sharing is great.
I’m not a lawyer, but is there a legal argument for the students to sue the university for allowing their endangerment & endangerment & harassment? Like, isn’t the university obligated to reasonably safeguard its students….?
Students and protestors should engage in confrontations and make it challenging for ICE to carry out its duties. Ensure that Homan feels unsafe in public. Veterans who have been unjustly treated by the administration should be armed and prepared to fight to safeguard the citizens.
Sadly, the, which has styled itself as de facto locomotive of the #EuropeanPirateParty, is supporting suppression of #pro-Palestine speech in the most fanatical manner. And to think the #Pirates once presented themselves as #FreeSpeech absolutists...
Are we a wholly owned subsidiary of Israel now? Isn’t Homeland Security supposed to be about the US? So why are we arresting protesters of the Israeli government? FFS
You shoulda, woulda, coulda shut the fuck up with your gloating. All Harris had to do is say she would have suspended weapon transfers to the mass children slaughtering Israeli government if they didn’t stop killing kids. She wouldn’t. She choose APAC over the US people. Fuck her.
C’est une chose de dénoncer les faits,c’est très bien et il faut le faire encore et encore mais si personne ne bouge,ne conteste,ne s’oppose à ces choses de plus en plus fréquentes et à chaque jours qui passent,nous pourrons continuer à le dénoncer et à s’indigner mais au bout du compte,cette
administration arrivera à ses fins et à soumettre le peuple à sa volonté et la,ça sera la fin de tout,de l’insouciance et de la liberté et cela,sa na pas de prix. Il va falloir trouver la bonne solution pour s’opposer et essayer de mettre fin à des pratiques venues de pays que nous condamnons tous
They learned how effective it is.
It destroyed America from the inside.
There is no other way
Fuck Schumer.
Also, students and University professors.
Country being run like a well-rusted machine.
In 2000, CU was considering purchasing Trump’s West Side site. The school nixed the deal for an uptown location.
“beyond the grandeur & excellence that has become synonymous with projects bearing the Trump name … this was supposed to be his legacy. Not Trump Tower. Not a clutch of casinos.Certainly not a political office of any kind.”
In the ‘80s Trump hoped the site would headquarter NBC, which was considering a move. Instead they stayed in Rockefeller Center studios and purchased the land lease, held by Columbia for $400 Million
The criminal is running the Country and he will destroy it as he said he would over and over.
We had a chance to stop him.
America chose to look away and pretend it wasn’t happening.
If you are going to terrorize our kids and take away their rights they don't need to attend your shitty school. This fight is worth it.
(sarcasm set at: 11)
Like Tesla…
Stop spending your money there.