A leading Israeli news site quotes Netanyahu telling his top general, 2 days after Oct 7, to ‘take down houses, bomb with everything you have.’
An admission of war crimes from the horse’s mouth. Let’s see how the hasbarists try spin this.
An admission of war crimes from the horse’s mouth. Let’s see how the hasbarists try spin this.
"Israel has the right to defend itself"
"Hamas made me do it"
is also very popular
U.S. will of course go along with all of it
All the senators! Stop the hypocrisy.
Netanyahu is a fucking war criminal.
Do you think the terrorists who attacked Israel committed crimes?
Nutters do as they please till some other nutter kills them.
Sucks to suck!
And yet, the Dahiyeh doctrine remains. Curious, that
So you agree that Palestinians getting revenge on the israeli state for 20 years of indiscriminate mass murder is "self defense", then?
You think having thousands of nutters killed and their homes and settlements flattened to rubble is "revenge"??
You're stupid. I'm sorry there's no cure for stupid. Go away.
Facts or anti semitism ?
Kind of a yes or no question.
Israel is engaged in a war to recover hostages held by https://terrorists.ie self defense.
Or are they all "terrorists" to your addled brain?
Israel is a US proxy in the ME (to assert their hegemony). So I was wrong, the US (via Israel) is the biggest terrorist threat in the ME.
Israel is the only democracy in that region. USA supports that.
Also there have been multiple threats of killing all Jews in Israel from neighboring polities.
Do you support those calls for removal if jews ?
"Trump's forced plan—which will impose your forced displacement whether you like it or not."
"No one will feel for you, and no one will ask about you. You are left alone to face your inevitable fate."
But I think the indiscriminate destruction of whole neighborhoods and 14k dead children is enough proof
I'm quite sure many Americans wouldn't agree with you, actually. Quite sure that "ethnosupremacist apartheid state" would be against "American values" even without the genocidal mass murder part.
Sucks to suck, David.
We prefer visiting Israel under Israeli rule and will destroy those attempt to implement another arrangement.
Human nature follows universal laws, and one of them is that people under occupation will resist.
Imagine no land ownership deemed from the sky.
Imagine no AIPAC.
Imagine if you could describe to me what bomb burnt flesh, death, mixed in with blood and tears smell like. Til then. Good day sir & thanks for the time.
You’re getting warm…
Abhorrent behavior.
Pretty embarassing if you ask me.
It was israel and the idf who repeatedly refused to engage in hostages swaps, because genocidal mass murder was far more important to Netanyahu and the ghouls in the IDF
And objectively subjected to murder, torture, and rape by their idf captors.
Not an effing peep from y'all! FFS
$500M into Israel’s newest bomb tech!
People who are still on Israels side in all this don't spin. They don't care about morality because they have none. They're just convinced they're right and have the cognitive dissonance to back it up.
$$$ flowed monthly to Hamas and Bibi knew it. He was okay with it, and was just trying to keep a lid on any Gaza Palestinian uprising. His goal:no 🇵🇸 statehood!
I am horrified by what is being accepted and facilitated