Because lustre isn't related to gleam officially i think we probably need to avoid anything star-related so its not confusing 😭 which is a bummer because i think leaning into the space vibe is definitely what we want!
I don't think I have anything strongly in mind, but i can give you the vibe i'd love
- the colour palette you suggested is super nice 🙌
- i'd like to somehow hit a retro-future aesthetic
- i think a monogram or a wordmark would totally work
- ???
- (the kedikit logo is cute)
I've already designed two logos that look close to gleam's logo. They even use the same monochrome/analogous color palette. I'm waiting for feedback from op
- the colour palette you suggested is super nice 🙌
- i'd like to somehow hit a retro-future aesthetic
- i think a monogram or a wordmark would totally work
- ???
- (the kedikit logo is cute)