With this administration, an old Soviet joke comes to mind:
A man is standing in Red Square with a sign that says DON'T BELIEVE THEM, THEY'RE LIARS!
He gets arrested by the KGB.
KGB agent: So! THEY are liars are they?
MAN: Yes! Liars!
KGB: And next maybe you'll tell me they're murderers, too?
A man is standing in Red Square with a sign that says DON'T BELIEVE THEM, THEY'RE LIARS!
He gets arrested by the KGB.
KGB agent: So! THEY are liars are they?
MAN: Yes! Liars!
KGB: And next maybe you'll tell me they're murderers, too?
KGB: Well, well. Why don't you tell me more about who THEY are!
MAN: Well obviously THEY are our enemies! The U.S. and the capitalist nations who spread lies about us and try to destroy our way of life!
*An embarrassed silence.*
The man gets up to leave, then turns around.
MAN: Wait a second... who did YOU think I meant?