The swearing-in will take place indoors for the first time in 40 years due to the extreme cold. It will proceed amid heavy security after an election campaign highlighted by an increase in political violence. Follow Reuters live coverage:
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Fixed it for you
What happened to the alpha masculine blah blah blah?
Where’s Tucker’s Tesla ball warmer commercial?
These little boys need some motivation.
Oh dear
He and his team deliberately manipulated the legal system
Shows the much vaunted legal apparatus is criminally incompetent
Martin Luther King, Jr.
He knows that if he implements what he was barking he will not rise again. He would be politically dead, with a political family forced to depose him
but a day of infamy
The swearing-in will take place indoors for the first time in 40 years due to the extreme vanity.
Why are they doing this, really?
Altri " #insediamenti " sono stati fatti fuori anche con #temperature molto più basse!!
La verità è che non ci sarebbe stata partecipazione e quindi le foto e i video avrebbero decretato l' #anomalia di un #presidente #pericoloso e #corrotto quale è #trump
Fixed your text for you.