A trendy pizzeria in the English city of Norwich has declared war on pineapples, charging an eye-watering $123 for a Hawaiian in a bid to put customers off the disputed topping https://reut.rs/3CaSH4T
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Objectively the funniest thing you can do. There's so much spite in this action. They purposefully made it inaccessible so they wouldn't have to make it. The absolute animosity has me in tears
Thank god someone is taking a stand against this culinary abomination. However, it's embarrassing that it's a British pub instead of our own American pizza leadership.
Sanity finally reigns.
That is so messed up. Pineapple compliments pizza perfectly but too many are uncultured to realize it. In fact, even the Italians like pineapple on pizza.
Pizza as we eat it comes for Napoli. Greeks and Egyptians used to eat flat breads with toppings but these are considered precursors to modern pizza. Not my words I had to google it
With as much history has been dusted under the rug, how much do you believe?
There's evidence all over the planet that ancient people were much more connected BC than AD. I don't know, though; I just really love ancient history.
The problem with pineapple on a pizza is that it's usually paired with some lackluster ham product. Pepperoni and pineapple is a sweet/salty/spicy treat.
They are judgy cunts, nothing more. What people want on their pizza is a personal choice. If others don’t like it, they can keep their mouths closed and not have any.
Sure. Who hasn't made that after a night of tripping the light fantastic and sipping french champagne, before retiring to their garret flat in the 9th arrondissement, listening to the eurostar trains exit the station on the way back to Paddington whilst waiting for the elderly toaster oven timer to
This is just fucking stupid. If you really want to wage war on pineapple, just stop selling it. And, oh by the way, if people are buying pizzas with pineapple on it then a smart business would keep selling them.
Actually, given how unremittingly bleak the news seems to be at the moment, I'm absolutely on board for this sort of lighthearted nonsense. Down with fruit on pizza.
Bring your own in one of those peel-open cans...or multiple cans and share the wealth. 🍍🍕
Nobody has the right to dictate what does or does not belong on a pizza…except Neapolitans while in Napoli, Italy. I lived there for six years and I can attest they will cut you for such cultural slights.
I actually like pineapple on pizza, but I think the only thing they’re going to do is drive customers next door. Many major cities have dozens of restaurants within a few blocks of each other. In fact, in any major town centre, you’re always just a stone’s throw from alternatives.
Or they could, you know... not offer it at all and stop making a big fuss over a topping some people enjoy. But being reasonable doesn't get those clicks amirite?
Hawaiian pineapple/pepperoni hand-tossed pies were standard, fabulous fair since i was a young teen. 1968. Fabulous time to be growing up: civil rights, anti-war, rock&roll, the real moon-walk. National chain—Shakey’s Pizza Parlor
...i literally made a post that used a restaurant banning pineapple on pizza as an analogy for a completely unhinged and ridiculous thing to do regarding personal opinions....
As an Italian there is “nothing” wrong with whatever topping you want to use… except for cheese, that must be Mozzarella, only exception is if you add other cheese together with it. For example: pizza 4 formaggi, pizza con provola.
It doesn't seem like a slow news day, Reuters.
But, there's a story about pineapple pizza, and in the same flow, a story about a pet shop that lets people admire snakes while sipping coffee. WTF, Reuters???
Glad I don't live there. When I get a Hawaiian with BBQ sauce, & jalapeños it's much cheaper than that. Of course the pizzaria isn't run by pricks either
Rumor has it that they tried selling a proper British pizza right after Brexit, with stargazey fish heads and boiled peas on a marmite base, and pineapple outsold it 100 to 1.
Bait post from Reuters? WTF?
There's actual news happening in the world. Do your fuckin' jobs reporting the shit that's going on. Author and editor should be embarrassed by this. You went to school for this?
Hawaiian pizza was invented by a Sam Panopoulous in Chatham, Canada. It doesn't get more ironic than a Greek imagining of the Hawai'ian version of the Italian version of Welsh Rarebit being banned in a hostelry in a city notorious for its inability to attract migrants.
Very old news. Great publicity, though, for Lupa Pizza
Norwich restaurant charges £100 for a pineapple pizza | Pizza | The Guardian https://search.app/cMiJqridWk8z4o3p9
I’ll never understand the hatred of this combination. Especially when a gammon steak with pineapple is completely acceptable.
The beauty of a pizza is that everyone can have what they like and it doesn’t affect anyone else.
Sanity finally reigns.
Pizza came from Greece.
Look at all the things they stole in ancient times. They stole architecture and their Gods.
It's like someone came from Mars.
There's evidence all over the planet that ancient people were much more connected BC than AD. I don't know, though; I just really love ancient history.
It's like the creation of fish and chips. The answer might surprise most people.
TMI is an acronym for "To Much Information" by the way.
Or,I would take up a collection from everyone and order 100 Hawaiian pizzas, just to piss them off.
To each their own. 🍍🍕🤙🏽
White sauce (Alfredo or garlic/parm)
Stuffed crust (optional)
If you like sweet and salty, that's your pie.
..they cannot stop their love for one another!
Nobody has the right to dictate what does or does not belong on a pizza…except Neapolitans while in Napoli, Italy. I lived there for six years and I can attest they will cut you for such cultural slights.
Not exactly news-worthy.
Hawaiian pineapple/pepperoni hand-tossed pies were standard, fabulous fair since i was a young teen. 1968. Fabulous time to be growing up: civil rights, anti-war, rock&roll, the real moon-walk. National chain—Shakey’s Pizza Parlor
But, there's a story about pineapple pizza, and in the same flow, a story about a pet shop that lets people admire snakes while sipping coffee. WTF, Reuters???
Best and cheapest publicity campaign ever, being amplified by you all here. 😂
Ain’t nobody gonna tell me different.
We dont judge wine and cheese moms for the grapes - or apples with a brie - or the classic of old cheddar cheese with apple pie.
And let's not start on charcuterie boards..
There's actual news happening in the world. Do your fuckin' jobs reporting the shit that's going on. Author and editor should be embarrassed by this. You went to school for this?
[email protected]
There ya go, bestie. Let me know how you get on.
For others, it’s blasphemy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Norwich restaurant charges £100 for a pineapple pizza | Pizza | The Guardian https://search.app/cMiJqridWk8z4o3p9
The beauty of a pizza is that everyone can have what they like and it doesn’t affect anyone else.