I'm transwoman and I've yet to have this happen to me. I don't know if I'm just hyper lucky or maybe the airport near me just has machines or agents that understand there's no need to pat down
if i don't get my ass flagged for being too fat, i get 'randomly selected' for additional screening, and twice now i've had to go through a full bomb swab bc 'my documents were suspicious'
The happens to me everytime I go through TSA and it's a bit scarier for me as I'm a transwoman. I've literally thought about getting TSA precheck just so I don't have to go through that
Honestly fair, yeah. Though when I get processed it a real sense of ewphoria. Like, thanks for gendering me correctly, but also fuck this machine for outing me in public.
Okay I'm very happy to hear this is something other people experience frequently. I had started to think the factory that makes all my pants was secretly lining the crotch area with fluid containers over 3 oz. or something
If you're in the US and often get felt up by the TSA, you should consider signing up for PreCheck. It's $80 for five years, and they run a background check on you. With it, you can skip removing your shoes and unpacking your bags at the checkpoint, and the scanner magically finds less to beep about.
There were three guys in front of me who also had their dicks detected and thus also had to be felt up. If I was the TSA I might think that their giant machines don't actually fucking work, but I guess I'm not an expert
this happens to me whenever they press the giant kindergarten toy-looking “male” button because I’m a trans man and then they flag the crotch area. Last time had to fly, I shaved my beard and wore a skirt so they pressed the “female” button and they didn’t have to pat me down.
i have more than once had the experience airport security workers getting mad at me for "not emptying my pockets" and then looking horrified when I tell them that what they are noticing is my leg having been reconstructed after cancer surgery
"Sir we've perfected the machine to detect 100% of weapons"
"Excellent, install it everywhere"
"There's just this one gun in circulation that looks exactly like a penis..."
"Not taking any chances"
Ahh the wonderful big transgender detectors. I’ll be running the gauntlet of the Heathrow ones next week. Always a fun time being taken into a white room and tested for explosives. Really, just ask me what’s in my pants and be done with it.
It's probably because they're is going "Impossible! there's no way it could be that long and girthy! We calibrated it using all of our TSA agents just to make sure!"
Every. Time.
Eventually they'd just flag me as "that guy," and not do it anymore.
(not revealing the cock, just that it's big like Willem DaFoe hit actor famously known for playing Ryuk from Death Note)
"Excellent, install it everywhere"
"There's just this one gun in circulation that looks exactly like a penis..."
"Not taking any chances"