The problem is that there isn’t one Gen Z. There is an absolutely amazing cohort and then there’s the YouTube-poisoned bros and the Ivanka wannabes. (I’m a big fan of that first cohort.)
Umm no. I think you haven't met the right Gen Z'ers. There's still some hope as the oldest of us is 27 as someone mentioned. Sometimes I see my generation turning wrong but is that not to be expected of any generation ?
People say that gen z men are getting more conservative because of specific cultural influences, but we have to ask ourselves, what makes these cultural influences so culpable
The root of it is the democratic party's lukewarm adoption of socially liberal policies while betraying the working class
If we look back at obama era policies, it's obvious that his recovery efforts massively favored the 1%, and while there was overall economic recovery, that recovery was heavily tilted so many who suffered from the 08 crash never recovered
Add that onto the inflationary economic trends of the biden presidency, its important here to note that the overwhelmingly vast majority of Gen Z men in this country have NEVER economically benefitted from democratic policy
Note that this trend isn't as noticeable in gen z women and gen z minority men, because lukewarm socially liberal policies have allowed them to elevate from pathetic status to slightly less pathetic status, but that doesn't mean the economic tensions isn't still there
So when the vast majority of gen z men see that things aren't as good as their in childhood under a republican president, and had some sort of economic relief under another republican president, and have only known economic hardships from democratic presidents who espouse socially liberal policy
We end up with an entire generation of men who are left economically unfulfilled and as a result it is much easier for right wing grifters to latch on to them and tell them you can only get any sort of relief if you do these super trad things and embrace conservatism
The sad fact is perhaps that for Gen Z men, they want or have been influenced to dominate women. As for the 50s housewife, perhaps for enough Gen Z women, such a role is appealing because they do not want to deal with a hostile and sexist work environment?
That's a good question. I suppose it could be that there’s more "certainty" being a housewife than being an employee. These women would only have to provide for one man, who they love; than, a boss who would discriminate against them. It's still a warped view, though.
I've seen too many 40+ women with no money and no prospects get traded in for a younger model to believe that. At least my experience and education can get me another job.
That's true. I don't know, maybe it is a romantic fantasy. The idea that "I'm special; I'm different from the other women; therefore, he will not leave me." Self-deception and self-delusion are powerful factors.
I have hope for the women. In Wisconsin, Gen Z women voted 64% for Harris. Gen Z men voted I think 53-57% for Trump. I can't remember the exact figure, but it was definitely the majority.
it doesn't help that every other ad I have been getting on TikTok is freaking Nara Smith and people are eating up that "you can be a trad wife and beautiful" shit
The root of it is the democratic party's lukewarm adoption of socially liberal policies while betraying the working class
Like the backlash I saw because men were mad women and LGBTQIA folks started playing COD bc they found the characters hot and interesting was WILD
And it was just folks playing the game and making fanart!!