My wife and I discussed this. I personally want to know what the endgame is for these parasites who already have more money than they or their descendants can ever spend. I don't understand. They're depraved.
All the money, all the power, absolute zero accountability, an indentured, powerless, desperate servant class where the middle/working class used to be.
With the Silicon Valley types, I imagine a combo of ensuring monopolies, getting out from the massive amounts of fraud they have committed, and dreams of monarchy and dramatically reduced global populations solving climate change for the Dark Enlightenment true believers.
Pretty sure most of the folks who should be asking the questions are related to the destructors and also stand to benefit from the enshittification of our country.
See the exiles of Tiffany Cross, Paul Krugman, Charles Blow, etc. Speaking truth to power is cause to be pushed out.
"Lets get back to some bi-partisan work w/ our Gestapo friends across the aisle" as Chuck Schumer would suggest.
See the exiles of Tiffany Cross, Paul Krugman, Charles Blow, etc. Speaking truth to power is cause to be pushed out.