Proud to be a member of the State Bar of Michigan, which has issued a statement explaining the importance of the rule of law and an independent judiciary.
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The problem with doing this is the limited number who will read & understand. 54% of American adults, 16–74 years old, read at or below a sixth-grade level. These people lack the thinking skills to fully make an informed judgment on the political material they consume.
Let the world know when the American Bar Assn. yanks the law licenses of Alito & Clearance Thomas for a clear & convincing practice of subversion & undermining the Rule of Law.
Or ABA can sit there, useless, while the People decide to also treat the law like trump.
Soooo, not (even) a Counseling Memo for inappropriate application of the law?
Such a plot twist cuz California state Bar can yank licenses, but national cannot?
Fvkking laughable,
I disagree with what Roberts said. There definitely ARE Drumpf judges on the Supreme Court. It shouldn’t be , and Blasey Ford tried to stop it, but there is no doubt that the SC is infested with Drumpf judges.
We need MORE of this, LOUDER, from EVERYONE, ALL THE TIME. Bar associations, medical associations, universities, colleges, school boards, law firms, and all the people standing up for the constitution. FLOOD THE ZONE.
Will that be a part of the Orange Turd vocabulary? Does he understand things like rule of law and letter of law? Will the 30 something % MAGA and other foolish individuals and groups ever realize what they've done to this country and their own future?
I think the problem is that the law has not been devoid of politics. Aileen Cannon, did not follow the law and Robert’s ignored the law & granted immunity to president for insurrection. Law only applies to little people.
Proud to be a Hoosier that has followed you from Term 1.
Level headed, professional, intelligent and tough 🙌🏼. Exemplary leadership during this moment in history 🫶🏻
Courts need to pick up the pace.
Slow deliberation is fatal.
We live in the Digital Age.
Your Profession is antiquated and will cost us dearly.
Judges go to jail in third world countries.
We are fast becoming one.
The courts don’t work for you. Nor me, nor we lol 😂 just look at how little of the judiciary is elected? I grew up in the tri-state area and have had a front row seat to DT’s strategy of malignant litigation. Shit, my child support checks pays into the retirement funds of the family court judges😬
But will they oust someone like the illegal criminal blonde AG? The National Association of the Bar said they were watching for these ppl that disrespected the Judges because they were playing it up for the mentally sick MAGATs. But are they going to disbar these assholes?
They need to be disbarred if they don't take their oaths seriously and they mock a judge! Not one friggin Dem has done anything about it. What the hell are these ppl doing?
Every single state Bar association serves the same elitist purpose, good buddy;) ever since the 13th amendment became law and the slave trade moved away from private human ownership into the chain gang, government-funded prison model. Legal slavery is only a conviction away😬
your role in my hell? you did not equally protect against bill Schuette's retaliation when you worked for feds oakland comm coll sexist gaslight bogus mental health care witchhunt youre responsible for not stopping tremendous pain and retaliation from pols and hacks.
In ordinary times this should be a given,but it’s not ordinary times.I’ve learned a litmus to determine out of ordinary is a feeling of respect, relief & pride when an organization issues a statement to reinforce that their practice & conduct will follow the rules,laws,& ethics we would expect.
MI State Bar and like-minded state associations need to, as one, sanction the FL Bar and any other state associations that refuse to discipline their members publicly advocating for ignoring court orders.
And, for those members of various bars who are leading or assisting in efforts to undermine the rule of law, there must be professional consequences up to and including disqualification from the practice of law.
For those of us who are not lawyers, can you enlighten us as to why contempt charges have not been filed for Trump’s very obvious disregard for court orders?
Each state should ban trump from ruling over them by him ignoring the laws. If we can't throw him out of the White House, we can throw him out of our individual homes!
More like to kill anyone who is mot them! Most of these boys also have links to Robert Mercer James Simons & Cold Sping Harbor Laboratory! Serving up eugenics for over a century!
lol, why are we talking corrupt politicians here when SCOTUS is equally corrupt and compromised?? They quite literally created the current mess of dark money in politics with Citizens United lol 😝
How could this have happened when the US legal system was founded in a British model to catch slaves
"This statement is made by the duly elected officers of the State Bar of Michigan’s 2024-2025 Board of Commissioners, not on behalf of all individual SBM members. It does not necessarily reflect the views of officers’ employers."
My hope is not in a perfect judiciary. It is in a perfect Judge.
One who will one day return to judge the nations in righteousness—including the courts, lawyers, and legal systems who claimed to defend justice, but refused to define it.
“How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked?” — Psalm 82:2
So no—I will not praise the court merely for being a court. I will not defend the rule of law when the law is used to trample conscience, harm children, or sanctify confusion.
• You quote precedents and process—but stay silent when judges affirm confusion, or when “justice” is selectively applied based on politics or popularity.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil…” — Isaiah 5:20
Your words uphold law, but avoid truth.
• You invoke John Adams and the Constitution—but ignore that both were built upon moral absolutes and a biblical worldview.
You say lawyers defend liberty and justice for all. But where was that justice for the unborn?
Where was liberty for those fired for their faith?
Where was due process for those censored, smeared, or bankrupted for resisting lies?
You say the judiciary must be respected, never questioned, never threatened. But what happens when that judiciary codifies evil, enables deception, or tramples the innocent?
That's explained in the material you didn't bother to read.🫤 You also claim judges "codify", which is making law, but only the legislative branch does that.
Respectfully, to the Officers of the State Bar of Michigan,
I affirm your desire to uphold justice, constitutional order, and the rule of law. These are biblical principles, rooted in God’s design for governance and justice:
So WHY are all the ABA affiliates totally IGNORING the numerous sections of US Code that Trump, Musk and all Musk minions are violating daily? Just making word salad about violations is USELESS!
Bar associates MUST ACT!!
(To continue -- site limits!!)
lol. Is that what we are calling the judiciary now?? Independent?? 🤣 Unfortunately, the entire judicial branch is inherently corrupt, top to bottom and stem to stern. Consider the pay to play structure of the legal system ffs. From law school to SCOTUS, it’s an exclusive skin game, legal slavery🤙🏻
Let the world know when the American Bar Assn. yanks the law licenses of Alito & Clearance Thomas for a clear & convincing practice of subversion & undermining the Rule of Law.
Or ABA can sit there, useless, while the People decide to also treat the law like trump.
Such a plot twist cuz California state Bar can yank licenses, but national cannot?
Fvkking laughable,
Level headed, professional, intelligent and tough 🙌🏼. Exemplary leadership during this moment in history 🫶🏻
Courts need to pick up the pace.
Slow deliberation is fatal.
We live in the Digital Age.
Your Profession is antiquated and will cost us dearly.
Judges go to jail in third world countries.
We are fast becoming one.
That’s a really nifty law, huh, lol?
Just as important as all that is expeditious trials.
We're in the current mess because the justice system was too slow to act to an existential threat.
How could this have happened when the US legal system was founded in a British model to catch slaves
"This statement is made by the duly elected officers of the State Bar of Michigan’s 2024-2025 Board of Commissioners, not on behalf of all individual SBM members. It does not necessarily reflect the views of officers’ employers."
Pure Vogon poetry
In truth and conviction,
A citizen, a legal mind, and a servant of the King.
One who will one day return to judge the nations in righteousness—including the courts, lawyers, and legal systems who claimed to defend justice, but refused to define it.
Uphold the dignity of the courts and the inalienable rights of the people to speak, question, and resist evil—peacefully, boldly, and without apology.
So no—I will not praise the court merely for being a court. I will not defend the rule of law when the law is used to trample conscience, harm children, or sanctify confusion.
God never commanded blind loyalty to human systems. In fact, He often raised up prophets to rebuke corrupt judges, priests, and kings.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil…” — Isaiah 5:20
• You invoke John Adams and the Constitution—but ignore that both were built upon moral absolutes and a biblical worldview.
Where was liberty for those fired for their faith?
Where was due process for those censored, smeared, or bankrupted for resisting lies?
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil…” — Isaiah 5:20
Due process doesn’t guarantee righteousness.
And checks don’t mean justice always checks out.
#DiscernTheSystem #BiblicalJustice #GodIsTheFinalJudge
Yes, courts can be appealed. Yes, judges can be impeached. But let’s not pretend that a system built by man is immune to the corruption of man.
But justice without truth is theater. And law without moral clarity becomes a tool for oppression disguised as neutrality.
I affirm your desire to uphold justice, constitutional order, and the rule of law. These are biblical principles, rooted in God’s design for governance and justice:
Res ipsa Loquitur
Requirements for setup/change department or agency:
5 USC 903
5 USC 904 Senate confirm
5 USC 905 Limits
5 USC 3161
Info access security:
18 USC 2701 (Felonies)
40 USC 11331
Required to notify each person:
44 USC 3501
Info Security & protection:
44 USC 3551
44 USC 3554
PL 107-347
Bar associates MUST ACT!!
(To continue -- site limits!!)