Musk and Trump are evil, vile, detestful, putrid, madmen!
Their cruelty is a feature, not a bug.
Their cruelty is a feature, not a bug.
6 policies stripped from GOP bill after Trump, Musk rebellion
Health care reforms, a crackdown on junk fees, pay hikes for lawmakers and more were jettisoned from the legislation. By Jeff Stein,Tony Romm and Daniel Gilbert
But all women must still have children anyway. That’s how GOP rolls.
Control the women, kill the kids. You know, the National Christian way.
I’m telling you, not everyone got a lesson out of A Christmas Carol
I never wish anyone harm, truly not my way, but in this case hope karma hits them.
Mom who lost my daughter to a form of cancer that has no cure and few treatments and strikes kids, teens and young adults, as well as adults.
And now they put up a president non-elect who was basically...
...born in Africa.
Find your US Representatives and contact them.
Find your US Senators and contact them.
DON'T USE PROFANITY OR THREATS. One gets you ignored, the other gets you the wrong kind of attention.
For Highly Guarded Reasons that would shock the senses of those that have not experienced or witnessed the Horror.
Americans need to have a clear understanding that the people who they voted for are NOT doing their jobs.
The original bill or gfy.
Pulling Children cancer healthcare ,going on fkn holidays for 3 weeks instilling fear and worry in already vulnerable households , at Xmas just to put the boot in.
FYI - The next POTUS who has done this also sells gold trainers and Bibles