If you are in DC tomorrow
All of the House Democrats are meeting tomorrow at the East Capitol Steps at noon to share the stories of everyday Americans who will be devastated by the oligarchic GOP budget scheme.
#holdtheline #protest #resist
Last I looked. Anyone in the Military from a General/Admiral down to a E-1 can refuse a direct order if it's unlawful/illegal. Service members have a legal, enforceable duty to obey only lawful orders from those authorized to give orders. Articles 90 and 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
This is my only hope, that our military will not succumb to the will of a dictator. I know there are some active duty military that are MAGA, but I pray the majority are not, and that they will stand up & disobey any and all unlawful orders. #Standupfromwithin
The US Armed Forces and US Veterans are AT THE READY— Solely abiding by the UCMJ, US Constitution, and the US Rule Of Law: Every unconstitutional EXECUTIVE ORDER is FERVENTLY DISAVOWED and inconsequential.
As a veteran, only 2 times I ever got into trouble we're when disobeying erroneous, inappropriate orders by E5s with me as an E3. At my retention meeting, I was like.. No thanks, I'm getting the F out and going to college.
How do they know it’s illegal and unconstitutional? Who will guide them to understand? How do 18 year old often from underprivileged backgrounds understand the constitution and what are illegal orders? Someone needs to help them
I know nothing of military codes and I'm sure you're probably correct but how many would be that brave vs how many think they'd be doing the right thing
Air Force here! You’d be surprised how many people won’t do things against their own morals and ethics if it is wrong. Not all of us follow orders blindly anymore.
Air Force & Navy here. Oh, and a Peace Corps volunteer, too.
You’d be surprised at how quickly we’d resist against an illegal order.
We defend the Constitution and the people.
As far as I know every U.S. military member from the top on down swears an oath to protect the Constitution at all costs, not an oath to obey the president.
Don't forget those who violate Article 94 in retaliation for those who don't follow unlawful orders per Articles 90 & 92. I hope my interpretation of all 3 is correct. It's been a while.
THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS. I’m sure there are plenty service members scared to death of what they know they’re going to be asked to do…..eventually. SMFH!!!
Or you could go through with it and be charged for war crimes, and or crimes against humanity afterwards.
Not to mention have to live with it - the rest of your lives.
There is a monster commander in chief....and your oath to the Constitution must be your compass.
Well, this is something that my husband, who is a decorated, disabled veteran finds very sad and alarming. No military person wants to be in this position and no one in the chain of command should put her/him there.
Ah Kent State - the National Guard opened fire on students protesting. They tear gased the dorms and frat and sorority houses. At the school I was at - I was a student leader of the protests their. It got me on Nixon’s ruin the up and coming leader list. (Research what Nixon’s admin did).
This is where the meme goes. You know, the one where the guy says "This is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard". That one. Do you really want armed military on every corner? Curfew? Inability to express negative comments towards elected leaders? No longer to protest, anything? Think, dumbass!
How many times have you taken an oath to the Constitution? How many times have you been willing to die for your fellow countrymen? Fuck right off and when you get there, continue to fuck right off
I'm a two-time veteran ass wipe. What the fuck are you? And actually dumbass, if martial law were declared, that's exactly what our military would fucking do. Moron, fucking read a book
Our military deserves better than trump.
Dump the criminal trump . He is not good enough to lick members of our 🪖 boots. The bone spur loser has no business here.
Hopefully, leon and putzes will not take this phone number off line.
(for those who do not know, 'Leon' is what trump had called Elon for months! So I ALWAYS use it when referring to that drugged up scumbag.)
remember who you made an oath to. you made an oath to the country, not the leader. if the leader does not have the country's best interests at heart you are obligated to disregard their orders. America needs you. it's people need you.
An unlawful order is just that and does not have to be followed. Learned that one in Basic Training in 1970. The army was still reeling from the My Lia massacre.
As Our Drill Sergeants, RDCs, MTIs, DIs, and RCCs All Yelled At Us,
Wake Up To What These Low-Lifes Are Trying To Do To This Great Country!
Act Decent!
"All Gave Some. Some Gave All." 🇺🇸
Last I looked. Anyone in the Military from a General/Admiral down to a E-1 can refuse a direct order if it's unlawful/illegal. Service members have a legal, enforceable duty to obey only lawful orders from those authorized to give orders. Articles 90 and 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
BEWARE Fort Knox is located near Louisville, KY on 109,000 acre site. Is Trump & Elon trying to steal the biggest heist in history...the gold at Fort Knox? Trump is in charge of the Army now.
Excellent. It will hopefully give these people pause and if they haven’t given this matter some thought already it might give them a wake up call about what they may have to face in the future with these power mad criminal in charge.
I’m holding faith that there will be enough active members who meant their oath to the constitution. And, I know it won’t be all of them who do, so where that leaves us 🤷 who knows?
💙💚💛🧡❤️💜 Please share: ECONOMIC BLACKOUT begins Friday, Feb 28. Eat food from your own kitchen. Don't spend money at Walmart, McDonald's, Target, Amazon, etc. Don't gas up your car. If you must buy something, support your small local businesses. Stop giving your money to billionaires!
This was the most beautiful sight to see. The Marines are letting the people know they hear our cries of freedom! They will not let a king rule America!Revolution! https://youtu.be/IQ1J0HCZS74?si=9zN79jKl3mVvG0xs
You are welcome to share widely. I am more interested in ensuring that people who need to see this do.
Thank you for asking first. I appreciate that very much.
All military members must stand up for democracy & not to autocracy! They took an oath to the Constitution and not to a monarch 🍊💩🧷 #47 & his South African douche-Elons looting the government because he paid for it. 🤬
you don’t really need a hotline. all soldiers know that if they do anything unlawful or unconstitutional, even if someone orders it, they will be held accountable for their actions. they swore an oath to the constitution, not to any person
In case anyone has never served and is unaware, military personnel have a legal obligation to not follow unlawful orders. Nuremberg made it very clear that "just following orders" is not an excuse. Are there people in the military who will follow unlawful orders? Absolutely. But I still have faith
Totally agreed, unfortunately. There are ideoalogues that join the military ONLY to further their own political ideology. It's rare, but i have seen it happen before.
Instead of calling the support number and cry, shoot the fascist scum that orders you to commit crimes.
This should be the message. Stop being wimps. Fight back!
I know people that remember it, but I've seen in this last election some MAGA colors I never even knew they had. What truly astounds me is that we're all the same ethnicity and went into the same MOS/rating so we're VERY well versed on rules and regs - but their cognitive dissonance is next level.
All soldiers do not realize or remember what the oath truly means. Especially soldiers who are in their 1st or 2nd enlistment. How many know the “Soldiers Creed”…I am a guardian of Freedom and the American way of life or I serve the people of the United States and live the Army values.
When were you in the service? These are very different times for our active duty military, reserves and ROTC. If you were active duty, whatever branch, you would know “things happen”. Just saying “ that order is illegal” may get you killed or court martialed. Different times.
I'd say about 30% know that in their hearts. 40% know it intellectually but are too cowardly to do what must be done. And 30% are there to "Make 'Murka grat agin!"
Well if they are cowards they don’t need to be in the military. And they need to think about their families as well . Of course we know some are well you know .
I was Navy. We didn't do quite the stupid shit as that. I used to wonder why infantry would frag their own. Until I realized what they would put you guys through. Killing civilians, women, children, and barely trained, reluctant, surrendering sand peasants. And for what? Oligarch oil wealth
If it's an unlawful order then they don't have to obey. Only problem is the SecDef is a Trump toadie so the further it gets reported up the chain the further there will be retribution.
My question: are you brave police and military really going choose the 🍊🤡 fascist dictator traitor asshole and moron... over the good people of the USA? Your friends, neighbors, family and other innocent folk??🤨😡🤬
The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.
There are two patriots in our military, please do not obey an unlawful request! Remember our constitutional republic, and those who fought and died to keep our democracy!
Sorry Florida Democrats. Blame the Republicans. You can bet Ronnie boy will invent fraud and waste just to justify his own existence. Just a Trump mini me loser who people hate as much as Trump. Total waste of space and oxygen. Eat shit Ron. Firing people for fun….just because you can…RESIST FL!
Better make sure then number working. I'm also hoping the soldiers do the right thing. I did 32 years in the Army. I would never attack a civilian because an order was given. NEVER.
Please to share to Facebook and other socials + irl. We are in a bubble here. Waaaay too many uniformed folks out there.
Get them on board we have a fighting chance
I'm all for not following illegal, immoral or unethical orders but pvt joe snuffy and the kind person on the other end of the phone line isn't going to convince the maga sgt who wants to own da libs, or the officer who doesn't want a bad rating.
This isn't going to save anyone, no one with any rank or consequence is dialing / acting off some anon non profit helpline even if they have it on speed dial. Be WAY more worried about the FBI/DOJ and their LEO vassals. For now...
It's best to assume that Musk et al have had convos on the sly with our isp infrastructure folks and already have all of our data. Basically, we're all compromised and must find ways to adjust. Never assume your data is safe. It is foolish to do so, especially atm.
And if you do decide to violate your oath, be assure those of us who still remember it have the same level of training you do and we will be defending our communities.
The United States just voted against UN’s resolution to condemn Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
America is truly great again. Trump stands with villainous regimes such as Russia, North Korea, Belarus and Hungary, and is the enemy of the democratic camp and universal values.
On this: all ICE or any other law enforcement or military who act illegally on an illegal presidential order should be individually held accountable, just like the Nazis were.
I suspect that with the digital connectedness and tools available today that, unlike in the Nazi era, those who disregard our Constitution may run but NOT be able to hide
Where are the military and those that support them supposed to get jobs when we downsize our footprint overseas the Federal Government was their best shot at a job and it's being gutted including the post office
All officers who are appointed by Trump to take the place of any officer fired by Trump need to refuse the appointment even if it costs them their careers. When you take an oath to the Constitution, it's the highest calling a soldier can receive. Don't smear it taking a position vacated by heroes.
Are you sure the line is still funded and active? Curious, I went to look up something on the BBB today and the page gives back a Big Fat 404 Error. Gone is the Better Business Bureau. I hadn't even seen that one in the news.
Thank you. This was a question I had today. Wondering How does the military feel about the guy in the White House . Will they uphold their oath and the constitution ? Or will they go rogue too . I never thought I’d see this happen in my country, the USA 🇺🇸 sad.
Example: shooting protestors who are exercising their first amendment
Because this guy aims to give those orders:
@murray.senate.gov @repdelbene.bsky.social @cantwell.senate.gov
The reason Trump is removing all the senor leadership and replacing them with toadys is because when the unlawful orders start, there won't be any JAGs to prosecute the leadership for following them.
The lower level military members will go straight to jail and that will have a chilling effect onday
Fascism never wins. It's an inherently unsustainable political system which would eventually eat itself. This era will not last forever and afterwards we will be looking for Justice. Never forget that Lady Justice carries a sword!
Every General, Lieutenant, and soldier must be reminded of this fact
Good advice, but they're busy trying to gut the JAGs. I have to figure they're really planning on asking people to violate their oaths and don't want them to have support from military lawyers.
But how long will the Hotline by up?! That’s what I’m worried about! And will it be manned…? because they closed down the veteran suicide line! I’m just completely worried and concerned that this administration is shutting down the vital services for We The People!! 😡😢
All of the House Democrats are meeting tomorrow at the East Capitol Steps at noon to share the stories of everyday Americans who will be devastated by the oligarchic GOP budget scheme.
#holdtheline #protest #resist
You’d be surprised at how quickly we’d resist against an illegal order.
We defend the Constitution and the people.
Sorry, I tend to think in worst case scenarios.
Not to mention have to live with it - the rest of your lives.
There is a monster commander in chief....and your oath to the Constitution must be your compass.
Thank you Tris
Dump the criminal trump . He is not good enough to lick members of our 🪖 boots. The bone spur loser has no business here.
(for those who do not know, 'Leon' is what trump had called Elon for months! So I ALWAYS use it when referring to that drugged up scumbag.)
Time for “Good Trouble!”
As Our Drill Sergeants, RDCs, MTIs, DIs, and RCCs All Yelled At Us,
Wake Up To What These Low-Lifes Are Trying To Do To This Great Country!
Act Decent!
"All Gave Some. Some Gave All." 🇺🇸
I’m holding faith that there will be enough active members who meant their oath to the constitution. And, I know it won’t be all of them who do, so where that leaves us 🤷 who knows?
We ARE in #distress #resist
I'd like to credit you, but I don't want to put something you wrote out there with your name on it... didn't feel right if I didn't ask first...
Thank you for asking first. I appreciate that very much.
Thx ...
I hope the professionals in the military have more spine than the GOP
This should be the message. Stop being wimps. Fight back!
Here's to hoping in the future we get something better than what we have.
Gulf War
Fort Knox basic
Fort Ben Harrison AIT
Fort (lost in the woods) Leonard Wood
What constitutes ‘an illegal order’?
The devil is afoot. Time to smash it.
Protect the constitution BEFORE they make their actions LAWFUL!!
Fight you basturds! We will RISE WITH YOU!!!!!!
We are believing in them. ALL.
But at least six times the military was used for riot control in the US.
Get them on board we have a fighting chance
It is a non profit organization.
I'm all for not following illegal, immoral or unethical orders but pvt joe snuffy and the kind person on the other end of the phone line isn't going to convince the maga sgt who wants to own da libs, or the officer who doesn't want a bad rating.
America is truly great again. Trump stands with villainous regimes such as Russia, North Korea, Belarus and Hungary, and is the enemy of the democratic camp and universal values.
They will war against one another first.
Stand up now before it’s too late.
Such a Sad day for America!
There is no connection to the federal government.
Because this guy aims to give those orders:
@murray.senate.gov @repdelbene.bsky.social @cantwell.senate.gov
The lower level military members will go straight to jail and that will have a chilling effect onday
Like it will be anymore. The reason why their making it known. No excuses. Country over everything
Every General, Lieutenant, and soldier must be reminded of this fact
Might doesn't make right.
USA is weird.
Our military officers swear an oath to the Constitution - NOT to a person or ideology