Good job! I've read about 27-29, which is low for me, but still pretty good! I only read hard copies, no audio - it works best for my brain. I've got several lists with short reviews if you're interested:
I challenge all of you to
30 pages a day which gets you thru an average book every 10 days
That 36 books for the year
I will double that
Who's up for the challenge?
My goal is usually 52. Last year I missed it by like 5. This year I only hit 33 and don’t expect I’ll manage even one more by new year’s 😅 Good thing reading is for love and not numbers!
(I AM gonna hit my goal of 52 new movies watched this year though which I’m proud of as a non-movie person 😂)
30 pages a day which gets you thru an average book every 10 days
That 36 books for the year
I will double that
Who's up for the challenge?
(I AM gonna hit my goal of 52 new movies watched this year though which I’m proud of as a non-movie person 😂)