... It's RHIZO!
the SYMBIOTIC arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi Rhizophagus aggregatum!
Mycorrhiza "benefit host plants by enhancing water and nutrient uptake and by increasing host resistance to pathogens and other stressors" while gaining carbon from the host plant!
(Fernández et al 2022) #2025MMM
the SYMBIOTIC arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi Rhizophagus aggregatum!
Mycorrhiza "benefit host plants by enhancing water and nutrient uptake and by increasing host resistance to pathogens and other stressors" while gaining carbon from the host plant!
(Fernández et al 2022) #2025MMM
Mmm. My chorizo.
Ginkgo photosynthesizes
sharing carbon with its littlest fungi friend Rhizo.
#TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork #2025MMM
#TagTeam, back again
Check it to wreck it, let's begin
Party on, party people, let me hear some noise
This tree's in the house, jump, jump, rejoice!
Option 2 - every bracket is cracked, no one gets a point (except for the lunatics/geniuses that predicted the tag team) because we did not predict the team win
I am not entertained.
*wedding bells*
(You may smooch the rhizome)