American PROPAGANDA says it’s not…which of course it does.
After the USSR collapsed, the Warsaw Pact was DISSOLVED as well. But not NATO - which was created to maintain american military DOMINANCE in Europe.
In that case the Warsaw Pact avoided war AS WELL. But the problem is not the military alliance itself, but it’s LEADERSHIP, which is AMERICA alone. We don’t NEED AMERICA, we need a EUROPEAN ARMY! Because America doesn’t want us to be STRONG, America wants ITSELF to be the strongest. Remember that.
Nobody wanted to be a member of the Warsaw pact anymore. The US has the biggest military so naturally it assumes leadership. If the EU wants leadership it needs to create and upgrade an army. Nobody wants to pay for that, so things stay as they are. I can live with that.
After the USSR collapsed, the Warsaw Pact was DISSOLVED as well. But not NATO - which was created to maintain american military DOMINANCE in Europe.