It's the fools for sure... and the henchmen. Just watched Lutnick doing his Joseph Goebbels imitation on CNN... with almost no pushback. I would stop watching but i tell myself it's better to be informed of the impending evil...
Definitely the fools... Both the ones dumb enough to believe his nonsense and the ones standing idly by because it benefits them. If those people didn't enable him, he'd just be another rich asshole with shitty opinions.
For me it’s the fools! There have & always will be those who are evil & of low intelligence! They are normally irrelevant to everyone & everyday life! It is when they are enabled, propped up & promoted by others that they gain power to inflict pain & destruction on large masses of people!
It's the MAGA media machine. Give them the sound bites, the ads, the photo ops, the disgusting display with Zelensky in the Oval Office and a large portion of America believes the lies. Trump and his regime treat the running of the American government like reality TV.
Or the rubes who think he’s a great businessman.
Or the idiots who think he’s intelligent.
Or the incels who think he’s masculine.
Or the evangelicals who believe he’s anointed by god.
The fools he think he's doing a great job are killing us. But the worse villains are the Republican legislators who know he's not and still support him. The demise of American democracy is squarely on them.
They are grifters pretending to be fools as long as hanging on to Dt's coattails continue to fill their pockets with free travel, insider trading, influence selling, side extortions and gifts from interested parties.
That is the scary part understandable with his sycophants who are craving attention and jobs but the stupidest are the ones who don’t realize they have been robbed
First measles death in 10 years, deadliest plane crash in 20 years, consumer confidence & stock market are down, inflation & unemployment are up plus he has alienated western democratic allies from Canada to Europe and made the US a Kremlin aligned country
I think the realization of how many think he is doing a good job. But, as time goes by believe more and more will abandon that belief. As soon as they are negatively impacted, of course.
The fools.
The convict only has power because of the fools who believe he's doing a great job. Once Trump is out of the picture, those same fools will prop up the next tyrant who is able to hoodwink them, and the cycle continues...
The fools who think he’s doing a great job are more frightening. I didn’t realize just how deplorable so many of my fellow citizens really are. If they’d wake up he could be removed, but at this point it may take citizen versus citizen violence to get him removed, or live with the consequences.
I'm going to say the spineless cowards in both Congress and the Senate. Their continued hypocrisy to avoid the wrath of the ginger conman is what does the damage. Their willingness to completely shred the Constitution they swore to support and defend is gutless and pathetic.
A madman can stand on the street corner and spew his poison harmlessly. The minute someone put him is a suit and lets him have power, then and only then, does he become a problem. It’s ALWAYS the enablers.
Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. [Evil] can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless.
What a tossup of garbage: idiot Felon tRump in love with Vlad Putin, or Vlad Putin in love with Felon tRump. Umm...seems like there is only one outcome: we fight Putin and traitor Felon tRump on the same battlefield, in the same marriage chapel.
The fools, definitely the fools. Trump has always been an obtuse obnoxious orange-faced blow-hard. Put the fools have to be a special kind of stupid to think he's doing a good job... and stupid in large numbers is very dangerous.
Donald Trump is a mentally ill old man continually spouting the same bus station homeless guy philosophy, except he has the money his lawyers made for him. Those who ride his coattails may have a difficult time dying of natural causes. Not a threat, simply a lesson from history.
It’s the fools that think he’s doing a good job that are the scariest because they will keep propping up the lies and the bullshit. It’s just that Donald Trump is just as racist as they are and they love it. They would rather suffer and be racist.
Agree. I see more Trump signs and flags going up in favor of Trump than going down. One such house is a small one on a small lot by a busy road. These people are a real joke. 🙄
It is a tough call. Trump is mad with power, pulling all the levers and pushing all the buttons available to him even creating some new ones along his way. The fools in his cult are our neighbors, family, associates and being forced to live that close to equal parts ignorance and evil is difficult
This, but I lean heavily on the fools that support such a man, what kind of inbreed knuckle dragging morons could allow you tube propaganda to taint their brains to that extent?
Read (and listen) to the 1967 Beatles' Fool On the Hill:
Day after day
Alone on a hill
The man with the foolish grin
Is keeping perfectly still
But nobody wants to know him
They can see that he's just a fool
And he never gives an answer
We had that nonsense when liar Johnson was our PM "he's doing his best" that was the best defence they could come up with because he was f*****g useless
I’m more concerned about the plethora of politicians who completely swallowed their values and pride for political visibility (they’ve got no power anymore)
They’ll believe it right until the precise moment when it directly touches them - then they might do some conspiracy minded bargaining with their memory and conscience but the cognitive dissonance will finally collapse and they’ll see themselves on their couch (if they got lucky), pink slip in hand:
What's Scary Is That Faux News Is Making All Of This Happen Under The Cover Of Our First Amendment.....The Supreme Court, Many Years Ago, Ruled That There Are Limits To The Use Of The First Amendment, Like Yelling "Fire" In A Crowded Theater. There Must Be A Limit To Destructive Lying Like This.
I wouldn't call them fools. When someone isolates you from the rest of the world, the kings' word is the truth. This is exactly what trump is doing to his followers: All others are liars and conspirators: he alone knows the truth. Evidently this is an inherent lie! But those people don't see this.
It's like BlueSky vers X. The trump clan explicitly insists on not listening to the lies of the darkweb.They mix this with stories about pedophilia, child trafficking, racism and you name it. America is left versus right, with physical aggression.Maybe America needs a center party.KH hinted at this.
They have chosen to self isolate. Accurate information is easily and readily available to them, they choose not to see it. They are most certainly fools
He needs to be made an example of. Trumphole and his enabling accomplices should be held accountable to the highest level of treason. Prison being FAR TOO GOOD FOR THEM.
U should be. As a former evangelical Sunday school teacher now out n proud, these nice smelling, Toyota driving, bake sale loving Christians r utterly waiting to get the ok to drag queers with their cars until dead. 100% These religious nutjobs are the nicest yet most evil scum on this planet.
The Bible has been used to murder aka genocide humanity since it's conception. It's used by animals to justify their blood lust & greed towards others not like them. -ex evangelical Sunday school teacher
well, their brainwashed and don’t have two brain cells two brain cells to rub together so yeah…
Idiots truly do rule unfortunately. Do who’s going to do something about that?
Trump is a symptom of a much worse disease, and by my estimation, around 1 in 6 Americans have a high likelihood of being ill. As a Canadian, I won’t trust your country for as long as the average person in that demographic is alive, or your country demonstrates a clear, collective recovery
Always the fools. Punching down makes more sense in politics, there's always going to be evil people taking advantage of laziness. You have a higher chance of changing a poor, idiot's mind than a politician's.
PROTESTS - 50501
Tomorrow - March 4th
50 States - 1 Movement
Find your state, find your march, make your posters now!
Peaceful but LOUD!
definitely his minions, there's more of them & mental illness en masse with a mobilisation strategy in place is far scarier, everyone was saying "oh don't worry, Trump is old, he'll die soon", but he's really only a figurehead now for a bigger movement. Of idiots certainly. But still.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
It’s not necessarily dumb people who voted for the conman but a lack of morals, lack of empathy they demonstrate. It’s not just an Anglo problem either, many Latinos voted for the scam of grievance politics. I heard it, “my family took yrs for legal status but Dems let a lot of immigrants in easy.”
Scariest of all is that those people not only think he's doing a good job, many actually swear he's one of the most wonderful men ever. One of the vilest, most loathsome, dishonest, and corrupt things ever to befoul the planet, and they actually worship him. What sort of person could do that?
Funny when the Demorats thought convicting the criminal (but not imprisoning him) & impeaching the POS would be beneficial in a country filled with war mongering intl banking imperialists who are just as greedy. And that's just the demorats who think the stock market is a valid source of income.
Asshole idiots will asshole idiot. Fuck 'em.
The only scary thing is that the resistance WILL be repressed. Brace for bleeding in defence of democracy. Yeah, we're at that point.
Or the idiots who think he’s intelligent.
Or the incels who think he’s masculine.
Or the evangelicals who believe he’s anointed by god.
We're facing the idiot apocalypse
We are tired of you blowing up our feed.
The convict only has power because of the fools who believe he's doing a great job. Once Trump is out of the picture, those same fools will prop up the next tyrant who is able to hoodwink them, and the cycle continues...
you couldn't have asked those people in your life to volunteer their true characters, yet they are currently marking themselves with red hats.
The founders knew there’d be demagogues
One of Congress’s many duties is to stop them
The fucking moron, or the fucking moron who follows the fucking moron?
“You’ve got to remember these are simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know . . . Morons.”
Day after day
Alone on a hill
The man with the foolish grin
Is keeping perfectly still
But nobody wants to know him
They can see that he's just a fool
And he never gives an answer
This country needs to focus on improving education.
But they don’t live in a vacuum of information. How many moral off ramps do you give a group of people who continually vote to hurt those around them?
Y'all are.
I don't live in a vacuum of information. You do.
I do 6 daily hours of news.
What are your sources? NYT? Wapo? CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS?
I consume all the above. Plus Substack, YouTube, Telegram, etc.
MAGA dummy.
We MAGAs are not fools, just misled by lies. Presumably because of our weak minds.
But what if y'all are the fools, the misled and mis-lead?
What if your "morality" is an inversion, your "reality" a Matrix?
Nah. Couldn't be. Could not be.
MAGA brothers.
Don’t be scared
Idiots truly do rule unfortunately. Do who’s going to do something about that?
Greedy pricks with power.
PROTESTS - 50501
Tomorrow - March 4th
50 States - 1 Movement
Find your state, find your march, make your posters now!
Peaceful but LOUD!
= #Coup
Without them, he is NOTHING
It posses an existential dilemma.
I will narrowly go with the fools that believe the felon is doing a good job.
The only scary thing is that the resistance WILL be repressed. Brace for bleeding in defence of democracy. Yeah, we're at that point.