There is a very credible threat that the country with the most powerful armed forces on the planet will take military action against Canada, and Danielle Smith believes that we are at risk of a "national unity crisis"'s too hard to get pipelines built. Utterly beyond parody.
We were so close last election, so many seats were won with less than 100 votes. Support Nenshi.
What Danielle use as excuse is her greed for O/G $$ is still unsatisfied. That’s not an energy need. That’s a $$$ need.
*obv a joke. She might do this, idk
There has been zero discussion in the legislature about AB breaking from the nation. There has been no referendum. The people of Alberta have not given her permission to speak about this to the PM. How f'ing dare she!
I hope he says it to tRump when they meet "Donald, look inside yourself"
She is such an embarrassment.
Quick call ICE 😂
Let’s all work towards this solution.