Dorit may be phony but Sutton showed her true colors when she threw money in her face and doubled down on it in her confessional. She truly feels her money makes her a better person than Dorit and it’s gross.
I find this all really interesting because on the one hand, you have Sutton pretending to care about Dorit saying she will be there for her if she needs it. And on the other hand, she’s talking all kinds of shit about Dorit behind her back. You wanna talk about fake?
That’s what Erika said in the previews for next week. Sutton is just a mean lady from the South showing her true colors. She pretends to be all about sisterhood, but deep down inside her, she’s just mean and miserable.
Is she? She's been a bench warmer for several seasons. If bloggers weren't calling her out she wouldn't be yelling this season, whom some say she's "working"
Shocking. Sutton measures worth by money and this shows she lacks morals and the humility to acknowledge her position is the result of a divorce settlement. She is a nasty woman who lacks self knowledge
(2/2) Jennifer is 👑😂