all those dying gay men just couldn’t manifest enough angels to save themselves from aids, but they did buy plenty of crystals and tapes from your grift, and made you a wealthy woman.
The problem with an elected leader behaving like a dictator and/or king is you don't have that choice. We need to #ResistOppose&Organize before it's way too late.
I wish you would run for President again! You were the best candidate ever. You would do a world of good for our country. If we can elect an outside the mainstream man with toxic masculinity, why can't we elect a person like you? A gentle, caring and a little outside the mainstream person like you?
you are a force of evil in this world.
i may hate you more than dump.
Congress for the next two years is a rubber stamp
The SCOUS's majority believes in a powerful executive branch (i.e. total immunity), so I don't have much faith on them
Pass it on.
No Kings
No Would-be Gods
No Anythings
I want Liberty
Pass on Death
Price of Eggs
More than Meth
Believe not their Lies
or Gaslit Tweets,
both those Bastards
are Grifting Cheats
They find Corruption
everywhere they Squint
not in the Ledgers
but in their Fingerprints
Real Americans Kill Kings.
Fuck these fascists