Americans’ recent inflation woes were driven by companies that kept their prices high even as costs fell in recent months in order to increase their profit margins, a new report argues
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It's not greed though. It's the misguided obligation to keep feeding the machine. Everyone's got boards, shareholders, customers, competition, upgrades, employee raises, expansion... and so on.
Look, they’re done printing money, for now, so if they don’t squeeze Main Street to keep consumer stock prices up, Wall Street is going to have to crash again, and they’ll have to take half of our pension funds, again.
(Not at all accusatorily toward you) just continues to be hilarious that “companies operate by the profit motive” is considered a controversial progressive argument and not “the basis for the entirety of economic thought” when that leads to notmies realizing companies might be bad, actually
And when they're literally taking food away from children and blocking access to healthcare, we really should ask ourselves why we continue to allow them to keep that "representative" title.
Eggs dropped in price, but the price of mayo is the same as it was at peak egg prices.
Nothing goes back down once it goes up anymore. No reflection of manufacturing cost.
A lot of “very serious” people owe Liz Warren an apology.
This should be uniting for Liberals and the Left. Lots of red meat for all here. Total breakdown of the supposedly liberal media/academia
The corporate elite finding ever new creative ways to squeeze workers…
The entirety of the economic argument for capitalism is supposed to be that competition drives market efficiency. The thing we have now is not even a functioning capitalism.
All these people saying "Democrats won't fight!" are very funny. Ofc they won't fight. Are you kidding? They got elected by using a campaign war chest funded by the same people that own these greedy corporations. You're delusional if you think that only Republicans take soft money.
Corporate culture needs to learn they're either part of a community (and pay into it) or they're not (and don't get to be part of the community at all)
No market “manufactures 40% of what it sells.” It private-labels from specialty manufacturers, to sell at gross margins that are slightly better than name brands, but usually net less after accounting for lost slotting fees and the work to develop the product.
Hilarious. The counter is just a theory that says companies only ever do the right thing. No evidence to show they actually do. It's a hypothetical that doesn't match reality.
It is an example of the smear campaign Warren and others were subject to when trying to bring attention to the role corporations were playing in higher prices. Not intended as source of truth. She beat this drum for weeks and yet her credibility has been diminished because too many people bought it.
The liberation of the working class/Is a job for the worker alone/oh left two three/oh left two three/to the work that we must do/march on in the workers united front for you are a worker too
It's fear of falling behind.
Nothing goes back down once it goes up anymore. No reflection of manufacturing cost.
This should be uniting for Liberals and the Left. Lots of red meat for all here. Total breakdown of the supposedly liberal media/academia
The corporate elite finding ever new creative ways to squeeze workers…
Maximising prices, shareholders dividends, and share price. Which are frequently held by your pension funds.
Which bits do you want to change?
(staff the IRS)
There is no law against making profit.
Just laws against avoiding tax.
For that agreed, get more staff.
But it won't cure the "greed".
(Define levels for profit, profiteering, and greed)
Don't entirely disagree - how about paying your workers some of it - but as I pointed out it is a double edged sword so careful what you wish for.
The iNfLaTiOn talking point is still going strong, when it's only a small culprit in what's happening now.
Corporate culture needs to learn they're either part of a community (and pay into it) or they're not (and don't get to be part of the community at all)
No matter Team Red or Team Blue,
they all work for the same people,
and it’s never me and you
"The American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) is a conservative libertarian think tank known for spreading climate and health misinformation."
They've claimed the prices are due to food manufacturers not them, but neglect to mention they manufacture 40% of the food they sell.
Corporations are gouging
Government wouldn’t do it so the corporations stepped in.