"I am not here to sugarcoat what we are about to collectively experience, but what we can do is build community ... we are about to entire a political period that is going to have consequences for the rest of our lives. We cannot give up" AOC says on Instagram Live right now
Are you making the implication something that is trending globally is the Democrats fault? That's a pretty bold claim...
The US is not mature enough and too religious to elect a woman president. It seems that being a woman is a bigger crime than all the crimes DJ has committed put together!
Trump can’t complete a coherent thought. But, hes got a whole ecosystem of misinformation behind him that any D just doesn’t have.
Centering her at the front of a party I do not think would actually materialize well in this America.
Obama, Trump (when younger), Clinton, Reagan, these people owned every room they walk in to.
AOC can be that.
Her Green New Deal is the stupidest thing I seen since I was born.
I noticed a while back that the DNP resists any/all left-ish shift pretty hard. They consider her radical. She's baseline socialist-ish(?) while still operating within their ecosystem. The only way she climbs is either a remaking of the party from the top down, or she goes indie. Sucks.
But people are definitely going to think a woman can't win because 2 have lost at this point.
Kinda ironic.
We shouldn't HAVE parties.
THAT is the problem.
Can't have a divide if there aren't divisions.
I wish there was a way to actually DO that though...
The messaging didn't resonate with the problems they felt on a day to day basis because the solutions weren't articulated or emphasized.
Dems need a candidate that speaks to those concerns.
Boy have I got a dose of reality for you;
You're not having a tragedy, you're feeling the sting of a well deserved political defeat. The solution to your problem is to do better.
i was right all along about this and now I'm scared for my boyfriend's safety. I'm not happy about this, I just want these fucking asshole centrists to wake up and smell the coffee that they're not going to win over fascists no matter how hard they try.
The Republicans don't.
you're part of the reason rump fucking won you piece of shit coward...
Fucking grow a brain, you just sold your country out for a second fucking time because "hur dur fuck the libs"
You pricks don't even lay attention to either sides policies.
You fuckers vote just to make people upset.
You shouldn't be wasting your goddamn vote to simply trigger people.
The fact you troglodytes are proud just proves what a shit hole your country really is.
this motherfucker trying to look like mr beast so hard in his pfp and he wants to throw this kind of bullshit?
Did fuck all the counter the $150 million of anti-trans ads the Republicans ran.
Or the cozying up to Bush era Neocons and Plutocrats while ignoring the progressive base.
Couldn’t possibly have been any of that shit!
It's not an excuse to let fascism win.
Get real.
They were fixing the mess rump put you all in, of course it's going to suck.
You shot yourselves in the foot in 2016, the bandage was barely applied before you said, "Watch this!" And shot yourselves in your other foot.
You can't deal with facts getting in the way of your ignorance so attack the person's looks.
Classic degenerate.
We're not doing the negativity. Negativity is the killer. We build and we start that soon
no way in hell shes winning
I almost guarantee this was our last election as a Democracy.
This was a test, and decency and morality lost.
I no longer have any fight in me to continue....I'm done with politics...
Instead of just one moving part, the GOP has several different moving parts that plan to do as much damage to our Country as possible.
They'll be in control for a long time to come...
For now, I just have no strength to fight with. I need a breather. Maybe I'll come back even stronger some day.
I looked worse at her age.
Since the country is fine with helping to facilitate a genocide, perhaps it should collapse? 🤔
Go upstairs and ask mom to cut the crusts off your baloney sandwich. I have no use for you.
Democrats probably shouldn't be complicit in a genocide.
It's over. The checks and balances are now gone forever.
But they were held back by GOP obstructionists. Maybe you should think about blaming the actual villains here!?!
Classified information leaks
Selling US assets to foreigners
Selling US intel to enemies
Putting military in harms way
If you want them to be the GOP, then just vote for the GOP and see how that turns out.
They aren’t to blame for the legal system, designed over centuries to protect the rich.
without the ability to EVER stop them.
Good job Dems.
charlie brown really WILL kick that football this time, you'll see!!
2. To win reelection Dems are going to have to give up a lot of rejected policies
The only thorn in their paradise is knowing people they hate are still existing.
Also, the masks are off, now that they are in power, they will never certify a Democratic presidential election ever again.
whose community? where?
Oh wait, you won't. Just like always the threat of whatever the Republicans are gonna do will always be the incentive to vote for you you complete fraud
Because the Gaza genocide is infinitely worse than 'Nam.
And the DNC always does what it's bribers want.
... and I'm on the chopping block.
Id love to believe but believe in what at this point?
it's nice to be supportive but it's better to actually go and join in on the helping directly. people hear you say you don't know what to do; but you do know
I'm broke. but I can man a chat hotline with text from home.
I am disabled. I can run a phone tree text group once a month.
you are important. what needs do you have?
I can only process this whole thing in pieces rn
These 4 years are going to be violent
Ok let's not give up but it's going to get a whole lot worse before it starts getting better.
Thanks for not sugarcoating what's coming, though.
But we must have our goals aligned to stay together and accurate.
We are fucked.
I can’t get up to eat or anything.
I’m devastated.
We do not go quietly. They will not just do whatever they want without a fight.
Thank y’al you didn’t vote for “genocide” 🤣