To be fair to Pete Hegseth, I too at previous and current jobs have showed up to them in the morning still smelling of alcohol and looking in rooouuuuugggh shape. I am also not in the running to be Secretary of Defense
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Well, of course. You're missing the position's qualifier: "My 2019 resolution is to say things on-air that I say off-air. I don't think I've washed my hands for 10 years."
I don't know about drugs, although I wonder if they have people smoke weed now? For alcohol-related testing, you can call your local police department and ask if they do "wet labs" and whether they need volunteers. The one I went to was a blast.
The police supplied the booze, pizza, and decks of cards. We drank for a while, then did a bunch of sobriety tests. Then a supervisor told us we weren't drunk enough and we needed to drink more. Then more tests.
I had to sign something saying I wouldn't drive for 24 hours after the lab.
Yes, a police officer drove me and my friends (all public defenders!) home in a squad car. Or maybe just back to the office, and we got cabs from there? Hard to remember.
I do remember that we were inebriated and chatty, and he answered all our questions about how he did traffic stops.
Rolling Stone doesn't call you at all hours when a plane full of rival journalists penetrates US airspace, or when a special ops team of RS researchers is in a black ops raid?
I know people who got fired from their job at JC Penneys for showing up still drunk from last night. Pete Hegseth isn't qualified to work at Penneys, much less any kind of position with real power.
The next morning, at my actual job, I must have looked BAD bad. Several people asked me if I was ok.
I had to sign something saying I wouldn't drive for 24 hours after the lab.
I do remember that we were inebriated and chatty, and he answered all our questions about how he did traffic stops.
Have you ever tried to respond to your mother’s condemnatory email while having had “one too many” the prev night?
Have you ever signed an NDA with a woman you drunkenly raped at a gop conference?