A flaccid meat dangle? A noodle-pricked butt sniffer? A wobbly plopped cockerel? An inverse ratio of manhood? An ineffective wank cranker? A teensy-weensy wiggly peen? A deflated and stank choad? A warped mushroom sponge-ween? The barely human embodiment of erectile dysfunction? A soft stool pusher?
I had high hopes that limpdick had a spine. Our dog is named Ruby, and I thought it would be fun to call her Barco Rubio. But lil’ thirsty Marco was a limpdick 15 years ago, too.
Bahahaha this is one of the best threads!!!My guess is the only one who has anything to brag about didn’t come pouring out of the clown car. Those who are well endowed or have significant money do not flaunt their attributes.
There is a chance that he could’ve been a conflicted dick. I hate to give these people any credit, but he may be the best of the cabinet bunch. 😳 I know, that isn’t saying much. We’re in a position now where Barrett Coney and Roberts may have to save the country. 😱
No. It's this. He's Little Marco. He has always been Little Marco. A spoiled child so desperate to be taken seriously as an adult, that he never, ever bothered to learn or even listened about the basic fundamentals on how to grow up to become an adult. He just put on his daddy's suit. That's all.
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I'd say microscopic, minuscule and limp.
What little he had
There nothing sadder than a flaccid penis.
It's like shooting pool with a rope. Useless. 😆😂🤣
Who will be pummeled tumbled and without a back up
Plan need one
This is exactly why Ukraine was invaded. The felon is guilty AF as usual.
CYA so to speak.
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
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The River Kwai March.
Musk, he had one ball
Vance had two but very small
Marco was very so so
While Trumpy had no balls at all
Marco never had one.
what a sad combination