Fitness does matter. Lack of it affects the ability to concentrate on every ball when you’re still recovering from the previous ball chase or run between the wickets. We are clearly less fit than the Aussies.
It is to be regretted that our team was under-par on this occasion but we will synergistically embrace diversity in future matches with a view to improved performance and improved benefits for the board.
Be fair guys. The girls game in England hasn't had the investment that we've done in Oz. And you've got some real stars in your team. It's been a great series to watch
You are absolutely right, but that team has already performed far better (against Aus, even) than on this miserable trip. Things are not right and need addressing. It isn’t just a question of playing catch-up. They’ve gone backwards.
They need to take a hard look in the mirror.
Australia are clearly an outstanding team. If England want to reach those levels they need a far more professional approach on and off the field, including fitness. Every Australian player is an athlete.
Australia are clearly an outstanding team. If England want to reach those levels they need a far more professional approach on and off the field, including fitness. Every Australian player is an athlete.