We are watching the performance of late capitalist brutality on federal workers: Return to the office! There is no office to return to! Resign before you're fired! You can't resign, you're fired! Take this paltry sum, which we may not give you! Stay and do the jobs of the others we fired! +
I'm so sorry to hear that.
It's all a big bluff. Why do you think all their plans were so public? To make everyone believe they could do this.
What do you think is going to happen to prices with any consumer protections?
Or product safety?
Or health care?
I hope you’ve prepared well for all this “greatness”.
And it absolutely the recipe they followed writing (and now implementing)the Project 2025
How else do you send them a message that we need them?
So much ignorance and apathy in the country and now we have an administration seeking to dumb us down further.
Destruction of our public schools and being replaced with vouchers.
Abject lying about news.
Million and a social media platform. I’d say that was a bargain.
We're already at stage 7 in genocide. As he continues to weaken our entire country, if he doesn't directly cause a war, he'll certainly allow an invasion on some level.
Meanwhile he'll run and hide like Hitler.