My AM ranting starts with this primer on a GOP bill that's been teed up, a bill that Project 2025, the $$aires, & the religious right asked for.
It's the next big step they want to take after debilitating the Dept of Ed.
It is a huge tax break for the well-off. They call it a school voucher bill.
It's the next big step they want to take after debilitating the Dept of Ed.
It is a huge tax break for the well-off. They call it a school voucher bill.
Their dystopian ideology, billionaire white men rule the world, you know, Hitlers dream society
Who benefits? ITEP calcs private schools 85% ($116B), admin orgs 7% ($10B), & rich tax evaders 8% ($10.5B) "as personal profit."
"Typically, people contributing to nonprofits that support wounded veterans, survivors of domestic violence," etc. get at best a "deduction valued at 37% of their contribution."
"California stands to lose the most over the decade ($877 million), followed by New York ($431 million), Massachusetts ($146 million), New Jersey ($103 million), and Illinois ($79 million)."
Most private schools in the US are religious schools and voucher monies in states with programs have enabled them to raise tuition and prop up churches.