This is true in public, too. We’re done with the whispering shit, as if you’re afraid someone will hear you. Use your words and voice in conversation. The number of people who will own up to voting for a Putin-loving fascist is getting smaller every day. #resist #SupportUkraine #DumpTrump
Today a few hours ago an ass…. Road rage against small cars by fuckball flag trucks.
I’m not carrying or my voice would have rocked through his ignorance of supposed superiority. I had ice, food, container be thrown in my brain because I was slower.
I do have a slingshot!!!
To which I must add--use it or lose it!
“So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom…those who wish to tyrannize will…put shackles upon sleeping men.”
I’m not carrying or my voice would have rocked through his ignorance of supposed superiority. I had ice, food, container be thrown in my brain because I was slower.
I do have a slingshot!!!