“Homosexuality was massively practiced in some of the conflicting religions at the time of Christ and even at the time of Christ, in Roman times show that homosexuality was widely prevalent. I think it's quite significant that Jesus never did mention it.”
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter
Yes, that story. Yes, the word commonly translated as “servant” is one specifically only used for male slaves that their master had sex with.
One is spiritual cleanliness and the other moral. One should consider what Holy matrimony is. Admitedly this is what has my faith hanging by a thread
Not. One. Word.
Matthew 19:12
For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it."
What mystical Union or any negativity at all?
The words “No where, and Priests should not have, that’s from you. Not I nor the posted scripture.
The intent behind the use of the word eunuch is the postulation, one who cannot reproduce for an understood reason..
Incapable of reproducing would be the most accepted.
Pure homosexuality would then certainly apply..
But here we are ignoring the suffering of those kids and blaming the rainbow.
God and Jesus were always about love, but man wrote the Bible and put himself above.
He listed it right along with liars, thieves, prostitution, sorcery, murders etc.
Where is this so called list?
Maybe “Eat this, for it is my flesh.” was meant a little more literally.
The world is just now catching up to him as he leaves this Earth