This is Gaza. See the beachfront land l? This is what Trump and Kushner want to develop.
Gazans have the right to stay in their homeland or go elsewhere. America does not have the right to deport them
Gazans have the right to stay in their homeland or go elsewhere. America does not have the right to deport them
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All while he dismantles the FBI and just confirmed a Muslim hating, drunk, Fox weekend host to lead our military.
Mission accomplished.
- $2.5 MILLION to DEI in Serbia
- $70,000 onan Irish DEI musical
- $47,000 on transgender operas in Colombia
- $32,000 on a trans comic book in Peru
"the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society."
The Wall
Our Infrastructure
What could go wrong?!
However, issue with Trump is attys are corrupt.
I've called America First Legal for over a year on & he is a corrupt middleman like Jewish Family Services attys & AID that won't refund American parents!
We would help!
All these criminals need to be rounded up and taken to Guantánamo Bay for some enhanced interrogation.
The criminals are trying to run the world now.
Thank you for sharing these.💙
Grifters, Inc.
We now have a rogue government…
Sen. says on x: "I have news for you - we aren’t taking over Gaza.
But the media... will focus on it for a few days and Trump will have succeeded in distracting...from the real story - billionaires seizing govt to steal from regular people."
Trump is going to destroy everything we know, our way of life, our securities, our freedoms all gone
I'm experiencing total brain fog. I support the Palestinian staying in there homeland.
People actually looked at Trump and said “Yup, that's my guy!”.
I'm so, so tired.
And trump said it out loud
Time to wake up, people...
Always with a compassionate loving heart.
No special effects, no slow-motion, in real time. Are you watching too? Watching the
"Fall of America-From World Leading Democracy to Warring Race-Based Ethnic Cleansing Predator"
Starring Drug-Addled Super Villain Elon Musk and
Insane Genocidal Felon Donald Trump
How long before attacks on the military begin?
This is utter insanity, MBS and entire mideast has already nixed this balderdash.
You MUST be loud now and distance .
Two greedy Nazis
and a greedy Jew
who steps on everyone
Who is the worst?
and thus, contributed to the traitorous shit show circus we are all living now 😐
American expansionist policies under Trump continue.
No country should feel safe
The world is *not* trump’s oyster.
There is so little coverage of this subject. Seems to have been swept under a carpet.
Entitled. Corrupt.
This is colonialism pure and simple.
It's been Trump's plan all along.
That will not be "for America." It's to feed his personal greed.
And please, American tourists stop hiding behind our flag and pretending to be Canadians when it’s convenient for you.
I’m sorry you have a crappy president that puts my good brother and sister Canadians in harms way, as many people know you do this
Jimmy Carter building homes for others less fortunate than he, for free.
Trump forcibly removing residents of Gaza to build a self serving enterprise with his gold fucking name on it. For Ivanka.,substitute%20for%20the%20Suez%20Canal.
It’s horrible.
News is that none of the countries Turnip is intending to send these people to is willing to take them anyway. A Turnip brainfart.
Yet another one.
SAID DUMP. That’s all it was about. An orchestrated September attack.
May God save the PALESTINIANS the Jew’s cousin. ☮️ on 🌎
most needed comments🍃🎼💙🦋💙
I stayed at the Al Diera hotel on that beach. So gorgeous. X
Stay the hell away from the U.S. military having a piece of the Israeli Occupation.
Oh, all the Gazans will be gone? Trump is insane.
It is 25th Amendment time.
Trump keeps digging himself into blind berserker (with an eye for profits) style new lows.