"Long-term recreational ketamine use was associated with lower gray matter volume & less white matter integrity, lower functional thalamocortical & corticocortical connectivity..this may explain..long-term cognitive & psychiatric side effects such as memory impairment & executive functioning.”
Spoken like a eugenocist. This kind of thinking leads to not sustaining the lives of those who can't work for their food, for instance. If we refuse to value humanity, we can cut "the slack" to make it easier for everyone.
That explains so much. It must be why every day is worse. So many people are hurt by this regime, including my family. Cancer research is everything when you have a husband and Father fighting to stay with us as long as possible.
Well let’s just be honest. Musk is a Nazi fascist who tends to forget or ignore what happened to those regimes when people actually woke up. The enemy of a democracy is apathy and we see a lot of that these days. Propaganda is a weapon of war as well.
Darwin, who actually studied this says that is through empathy that has allowed humans to flourish.
One study shows you can make a good prediction of whether a child will be conservative or progressive by the time they are 4 years old. The test is an EMPATHY test.
Fundamental definitions of psychopathy include lacking empathy or even the desire to understand it. At least a sociopath would pretend they know how to use it to their advantage.
This psychopath lacks empathy. The wealthiest man in the world could have saved millions of lives, but instead, he’s stealing jobs from the poor Americans and cutting funding for children’s cancer research. Pure evil.
I imagine if I had this much money, I’d be opening hospitals free of charge for the poor, two of childhood best friends work as paediatricians for non-profit clinics.
Serial killers and sociopaths have excellent empathy, it enables them to read their victims with accuracy. What they lack is compassion, which is a prosocial response to what empathy reveals.
Exactly. Civilization simply means a society that has learned to work together for the benefit of all, not just the elite. Those who can't behave in that culture have always been exiled. (I can give examples but not in this short form)
“Mere compassion is charity and leads to presumption, paired with bad conscience, and effeminates a nation.” — Ludwig Müller, head oh Hitler’s German Church
Everyone has empathy, including reptiles. Sociopaths succeed in hurting people because empathy shows them where to strike. Compassion is a prosocial response to what empathy reveals about other sentient beings.
They are fully aware of what they are doing (empathy), which makes what they are doing much much worse than if they were just clueless robots (no empathy). They're monsters. Don't give them a pass.
According to Elon he was beaten and bullied as a child. The above statement is a good example of how childhood abuse can traumatize and then have an impact into adulthood: He has become a person committing dangerous acts.
Empathy is a hardwired part of our reptilian brain. Reptiles and sociopaths have it. What makes us mammalian (and human) is a proosocial response to what empathy reveals about others.
It's why so many in the GOP have discredited social and emotional learning in schools. They don't want their children coming home and calling them out on their bad behavior.
Only when it’s convenient for him. He wanted people to have empathy for him because he’s autistic and, ya know, a lot of autistic people mistakenly use Sieg Heil when their excited 🙄
The development of civilization was empathy compassion and trust. The first fossil of a healed broken bone indicates the beginning of civilization. We helped that individual the time they needed to heal instead of abandoning them.
Wrong. My son and many of his friends are autistic and have empathy and are the most nonjudgmental people. They are having a really hard time with what is going on and are fearful for their future .
I know many autistic people too. They learn how to behave the older they get. They learn to act like non autistic people, that doesn’t mean they really know what or what.
They learn the older they get? Wtf is Elon's excuse, then? From observation, how can you tell the difference between someone acting like they have empathy and someone actually having empathy? You can only *know* your own internal reality. Are you suggesting that autism leads to "fake" empathy?
It's like the tolerance paradox. As a social contract, those who have no tolerance for others deserve none. Those unequiped with empathy for others will find those capable of great empathy will learn not to waste any on someone who can't return in kind.
Spoken like a true antisocial Nazi Elon. We knew what kind of salute it was before you started lying about it, there was no point in denying what we already knew was the truth. Now FO back to Hell where you and your Orange Shitgibbon belong!
People who lack empathy tend to be sociopaths, serial killers, dictators, rapists etc… the weakness in the world is when allow people like this, Musk included, to reach a position of power.
In a world without empathy all social services and aid would stop and billions would die. Only the rich and strong would would survive. With overpopulation solved, climate change and polution problems all go away. Oh wait... that's just what Elon has done!!
If you sell your Tesla or stock, it still exists because someone buys it. So make a gesture, stuff your stock bonds inside your Tesla and set it on fire.
I saw the below quote a while ago & it's always stuck with me. If Elon thinks it's a weakness, then it shows he doesn't understand what it truly means to be Human! (1/5)
"A student once asked anthropologist Margaret Mead, "What is the earliest sign of civilization?" The student expected her to say a clay pot, a grinding stone, or maybe a weapon. Margaret Mead thought for a moment, then she said, "A healed femur" (2/5)
"A femur is the longest bone in the body, linking hip to knee. In societies without the benefits of modern medicine, it takes about six weeks of rest for a fractured femur to heal. A healed femur shows that someone cared for the injured person" (3/5)
..."did their hunting and gathering, stayed with them, and offered physical protection and human companionship until the injury could mend. Mead explained that where the law of the jungle -the survival of the fittest-rules, no healed femurs are found." (4/5)
Musk’s top-notch education didn't teach him that empathy comes from the reptilian brain and is the capacity to map the minds of other sentient beings. Compassion is a pro-social mammalian response to what is mapped.
There's too much foreign influence in We the People's government. Only the American people know what's best for America & our freedom. Revolution is the right thing to do regardless of how naysayers & traitors feel about it. We the People shall unite & fight, or perish in the flames of tyranny.
I'll do it. I just need the support of the People. I encourage you to encourage others and help spread the word that a revolution is on the rise in America.
Goes to show what our necrotic stage capitalism empowers, nothing but psychopaths and sociopaths. All the very worst. The zuckerberg-creature, bezos and this creature. and studies show the "top" ceo's tend to be psychopaths and sociopaths. Don't ever give power over others to those who want it.
Damn this phone keyboard
Our two boys are very nice gentlemen too.
Help you out anytime.
Is there another way to be in a connected World?
One study shows you can make a good prediction of whether a child will be conservative or progressive by the time they are 4 years old. The test is an EMPATHY test.
same insane, inhuman ideology 💀
not to mention #transhumanism => Musk
Same with Thiel, Andressen, Sacks, Zuckerberg.
Elites that are caricatures, COSPlaying Glen Garry Glen Ross and taking the roles WAY too seriously. Trying to outdo each other's performance.
Dear Elon, please don’t misuse the word to justify cutting government spending at a population level .
Boycott every one of his businesses.
Show him no empathy.
Shoot him.