I can’t even fucking believe this garbage!!! Trump, I’m screaming from the tallest building, you are a liar, a fake, fraud, con (I can’t call you a man) a felon, rapist, pathetic excuse of a human, satan’s spawn!
You fucking cheater. Do you know what a scumbag you have to be to cheat at golf and then pretend you're a winner. It's the only way he and pretend he's a winner; to cheat and lie about it. Fucking lowlife! Biggest loser in the entire history of the world.
Kim Jong-Il was a dictator who went to great links
Kim shot 38 under, including 11 holes-in-one, at the 7,700-yard championship course at Pyongyang in the VERY FIRST golf round of his life, according to North Korean state media.
I just won the Star Fleet Academy Nebula Prize in Quantum Hyperphysics—likely my final triumph—at the illustrious Star Fleet Academy, in San Francisco, California. Such a great honor!
Tonight, the awards banquet will be aboard Deep Space 7. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the stellar Star Fleet scientists, who joined me in this mind-bending event. Such fun!
The feeble-minded putz entirely lacking of character desperately requires an accolade from a club he himself owns clearly out of grift & BS. The game of golf once stood for substance of character & honesty. Those strengths too are left entirely diminished by the depths of donOLD's greed & deceit.
Did the eldercare folks make sure he was otherwise occupied while they defied a judge's order and proceeded with their clearly pre-planned horrific propaganda video?
That's why he wasted 30 % of time playing golf instead of working for what they elected him. Of course if he played golf 100 % of time and his eejits with him, it would be better for everybody and the Americans would just have to wait him out for 4 years.
It’s hilariously sad that he thinks he really won and people actually believe it. I never want the kind of wealth that makes you kiss someone’s ass for more wealth, tax cuts and power. My values and integrity mean something to me.
"Scumbag" is a slang term for a very unpleasant, dishonest, or despicable person. It's a vulgar and offensive way to describe someone, expressing strong dislike and disgust. I think the description is fitting to a ‘T’.
I’ve seen the lunatic play … believe me, he’s not a champion at golf but he’s the consummate cheat. He would be thrown out of the competitions I play in.
A writer from Sports Illustrated said the same thing in his book about Trump, that he always cheats at golf and everybody knows it because he's really obvious about it.
We don’t seem to have it in the UK. Also, when I searched Melania Trump in response to a similar request it offered me “Jane the Virgin” and “Two broke Girls” Mmmmm!
Typical MAGA!! Listen to how she has no idea, first of all (typical!) and then changes her tune on a dime!! Proof THEY are misinformed, gullible and easy to fool!! 🤦🏼♀️
These guys are all about finding wasteful spending in government. Yet this diaper wearing old man is costing the country millions every year just by golfing. The security detail needed to be with him on the golf course is immense. He claims to have won 18 or so championships. He’s full of shit.
That's the thing that really floors me about it. Guy couldn't just cheat in casual games with his idiot entourage. Dude put together a tournament to cheat against actually competitive players who then have to show up for an award ceremony for the guy they absolutely know cheated.
The orange faced bastard has already cost the American taxpayers 18 MILLION dollars in only 48 days! US presidents shouldn't be able to spend millions from the US Treasury to excessively play golf. The average American worker might receive 10 days of paid leave AFTER ONE YEAR OF EMPLOYMENT.
Anything within 10 ft of the pin he takes as a gimme and spotters in the rough make sure he never loses a ball ....and more often and not a ball landing there makes it way miraculously back onto the fairway. Like everything he does he's a fraud. Instead of stopping wars the cunt plays golf.
He did add events (lyre playing, poetry, singing & acting) to the Olympics in 67 AD (because he postponed the usual Olympic cycle so he could be there) specifically so he could "win" them. He also "won" a chariot race...by having over twice the number of horses, he still fell off, still "won"
North Korean leader Kim Jong-il played his first-ever round of golf with good friend Donald Trump who kept score. Kim Jong-il shot a 38-under-par 34, including 11 holes-in-one, at the Pyongyang Golf Course.
Unfortunately for North Korean leader Kim Jong-il he never beat Donald Trump.
I wonder how many bodies are buried there. His former wife Ivana had blunt trauma to torso, fell down stairs and died the day before Ivanka was to testify in court about Trump Organization the first time. She was cremated & buried in his golf course. #mafia
But this...
It's a symptom of our collective acceptance.
It should stop.
By any means...
Remember this. Then hit him where it hurts.
But you're never wrong, so nevermind.
(Betcha this post would have been deleted if it were on X.)
Kim shot 38 under, including 11 holes-in-one, at the 7,700-yard championship course at Pyongyang in the VERY FIRST golf round of his life, according to North Korean state media.
Dear Leader Trump wins again. 🤢🤮🤮🤢
Same pathological narcissism.
His need for praise is pathetic as his orange face. 🤡
You did not stop the wars around the world. You didn't reduce the price of eggs on day one.
Heck, you've been married so many times that even the women you rape avoid you.
Today some people
calling themselves Americans are celebrating
(the one in event)
Unfortunately for North Korean leader Kim Jong-il he never beat Donald Trump.
1st - Trump
2nd - Trump
3rd - Trump
Trump declares (himself) the winner.
You can’t make this Sh*t up.