Does each little box take 5 tabs, Suey? If so that's what I need - 5 in the AM and 5 in the PM, except Sunday when it's 6 in the PM. My 'system' doesn't work terribly well!
Just refilled 1 set today. Found I didn't get everything from the pharmacy today to refill the 2nd set! Eek! Soooooooo, have to go to pharmacy tomorrow again. *sigh* Aw well.
Of course a less parsimonious old fart would have headed to a $2 shop and bought a new one.
Started using one 12 years ago, when I realised that I couldn't remember with any certainty if I'd taken everything I needed to.
Because of half tablets now, I refill mine every second day.
never know if a magic bullet will turn up.